Being broken hearted sucks.

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"Danielle Perkley, please report to the front office please." A wave of 'ooh' washed the room as I stood up from my seat to walk to the front of the classroom. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pass for the front office.

Now I know what your wondering, what did average o' Danielle do to get her ass sent to the office. Well, unlike all the other bad ass teens, I actually have to go there for medicine my mother sent. Since I was the only one out of the three who got sick this weekend.

Luck is just on my side.

After closing the door, I closed my sweater around my body and proceeded to walk down the long hallway to the front office. I would have liked it more if they at least called the teacher, you know making it more private and not out there for everyone to hear. But I guess they didn't like me or something.

The hallways were pretty quiet considering that it was the middle of third period. All you could hear were the faint noises of teachers yelling in their classrooms, the air conditioning blowing its poor heart out, and the light thuds of my sneakers hitting the laminated floors. Its never this empty, unless a certain person is near by.

But I'm not going to get into that at the moment, seeing as though he hasn't talked to me since that morning. And yes, I know that it was only two days ago, but we've developed a small friendship together and I feel like friends should talk every day. Like me and his sister, or Anna.

If your wondering how's the back of my head, well its fine now. It only hurts when I think to much or focus on something really hard. So I guess I shouldn't be in school right? Sadly, my mother thought that if I missed to many days of school over this, that I won't get into a good school and that I will never leave the house or something. I really don't know why she worries about me, Daniel should be at the top of her concerns for colleges and leaving the house.

A couple of minutes later, I arrived into the front office and took my medicine in the nurses office. They wished me a good day and sent me out on my way.

Remembering back to the time on the clock, I had a good 20 minutes to get back to class before the bell rang for lunch. So why not waste some of the time, seeing as though I can't really participate in class at the moment. I'll just drag around for a while, let my thoughts wonder for a bit.

Like what going on for lunch today, or most importantly, what am I having for dinner tonight? Oh how I wish it was pizza, I haven't had pizza in forever. But knowing my mother, its probably going to be something out of this world for everyone else, but heavy soup for me.

I hate getting sick. Not because the feeling it gives you, but the terrible food that doctors say helps you. When indeed it only makes me feel sicker deep inside. Gosh.

As I approached a corner, but stopped hearing a muffled sounds followed by a small smacking sound. Really people? You don't have the decency to at least do you business in a closet or something? Or at least not at such a public place like the hallways, teachers can catch you instantly this way. At least in a closet you have a chance to stay quiet or something.

"Babe, I hate doing this with you." The voice sounded kind of familiar, and it made my ears perk up a little bit. Someone sighed and made a couple of stepping noises.

"What do you mean?" Wow now that voice sounded completely familiar. What are these two people doing together, and why the hell is she calling him babe? If only I could inch up a couple of centimeters to see who and what their doing ..

"Being all secretive like this." She giggled a bit. "I mean you barely spend time with her anymore, why don't you just dump her and finally claim me as your own." I didn't have to see to know that she was smiling by the end of her sentence. There was a chuckle followed by a quick smacking noise.

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