Just a Little Suspicious.

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I was disgusted with the sight in front of me, and from the looks of Dean, he was also disgusted too.

There in front of us, were our siblings, in their undergarments .. making out like mad dogs. I'm kind of disappointed in Elena. She such a good looking person, she could go for anyone other than my brother. But she did, and I just can't ..

"Danny! What are you doing home so early? I thought you had detention!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. My heart was beating so much from shock, I could feel it throughout my whole body. Next to me, I could see that Dean was debating against tearing off my brother head right now. I wouldn't mind it, seeing as though I would like to do the same to his sister at the moment.

"Dean, hey." Elena smiled before hopping off of Daniels lap, slowly starting to put her clothes back on. Daniel sat back, and just watched her do this. I felt odd at the moment, seeing as though I just caught my brother getting some. This was a first and hopefully the last time this ever happens.

Looking over at Dean, he was lightly biting down on his lower lip, and his face was turning a deep red. And from my experience, deep red means anger. Bright red means embarrassment.

Grabbing a hold onto his wrist, I pushed us back outside and closed the door. "When we come back into, both of you better be dressed and at separate parts of the living room." With that, I continued to push us own the parkway and sat down on the sidewalk.

Dean stood there staring up at the sky, letting the silence between nice between us. I feel we both needed a time to think this over. My brother better thank me for being the first home, cause if it was our parents.

Well .. lets say that he wouldn't be able to go to our school anymore. Or in the district .. or in this country.

The silence between us went off the deep end and I decided to pull out my phone and start playing candy crush. Immediately the song for the game blasted throughout the empty streets of our neighborhood, making Dean look down at me.


"Hey, I've got to get that image out of my head some way right? Might as well replace it with candy." I spoke while continuing to look down at the game. My fingers swiping the screen with madness.

After a couple of failed attempts of trying to win at the game, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and stood back up grabbing a hold of Dean wrist. "Ready to go back in?"

He nodded. "I'm not going to stay over okay? I feel I might injure your brother and I don't want to do that to you." I smiled understanding.

"That goes the same for me too. But than again, I think Elena will hurt me so I'm going to imagine be killing her slowly." He chuckle before leading the way into the house. When we both entered in, they listen to what I wanted and sat opposite of each other. Daniel was in the chair closest to the front door, while Elena sat in the chair near the kitchen.

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Hey sorry man, but your sister is hot." Daniel you just can't keep your mouth shut. Elena giggled from afar, but it didn't look like Dean was having any of the joking. Before I could stop him from plunging, Dean had Daniel pinned on the ground with his hands wrapped around his throat.

For the first time of knowing Dean, I haven't seen him with this much anger ever. Should I be fuming like he is right now? Should I be cat fighting with Elena?

Looking around, I saw that Elena was capable of pulling her brother off of mines. I'm not even capable to pull Anna off of another girl when they get into fights. So I wasn't going to attack like that, instead I'll do their typical girl thing in a fight. Yell.

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