V2 | 2.0: Harvest Moon Festival 2

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Before you grab your pitchforks for start flames, I just gotta say that it wasn't my intention to be this late.

I was really planning to write on the 6th, but something came up and I had to do things to help you guys be still interested in the story.

Also, from the A/N, I've decided that it'll just be reader x various since everyone seems to want a 'lil bit of something.

And that also means characters will act a small bit off around Y/N, but it'll just mostly be admiration.

Next thing is that this chapter WILL be noticably smaller than the others, and thats because I'm writing this at 4:20(💀) in the morning. 

So yeah, BUUTT next chapter will be close to 3,000, if not over because I want to get done with this episode so I can get Y/N to the Hazbin gang.. (and maybe something else.)

Anyways, yeah, that's it.



Y/N stood next to Moxxie and Blitzo in the large crowd filled with imps. Something that became highly noticable to Y/N is that most of the imps in Wrath were mostly taller than any other imps he's seen at other rings.

However, the Pain Games awaited, and standing on the large stage was none other than Wally Wackford. It surprised Y/N to an extent, maybe his business didn't go well? Either way, it's half-nice to see him again.

It was quite difficult to hear Wally make announcements when just about everyone stared at Y/N. Some in awe, shock, or.. Lust? He caught Sally May taking a peek when he was turned around talking to Moxxie. 

It didn't bother him too much, but it did bother Moxxie, and Moxxie just kept going on and on to the imps to "stop gawking over him". Then, Blitzo nudged Y/Ns' shoulder with a smirk.

Blitzo: "You should take advantage of this."

Y/N: "Take advantage of what? The crowd?"

Blitzo: "Yeah.. Grow a pair and say it proud. I'm gonna beat all of you hardcore sonuvabitches!"

Y/N: "That's called being a dumbass. Calm and calculated people win by most means."

Blitzo: "Oh Satan, you're growing to be like that hippie nerd."

Moxxie: "Me?"

Blitzo: "Nah... I would nevvverrr say that."

Moxxie: "But you always do..?"

Blitzo: "Ya snooze ya lose, Mox."

Y/N: "Can you please shut the fuck up?"

Blitzo: "Okkaayy fine, but only because you said please."

Y/N turned his face, looking to Wally who looked at Stolas, seemingly looking for permission to continue. Stolas nodded and Wally turned back, clearing his throat and speaking again.

Wally: "To kick things up, we have the great prince Stolas here to take place in th-"

Stolas walked up to Wally, bending down, alot.. And taking the microphone from him, Wally, in complete shock watched as Stolas smirked and looked away to the audience and beginning a speech.

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