Beaten by a girl

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It is the first workout today of the new season. Y/n gets out of bed and heads for the bathroom to take a long shower. It takes a while to get up so early again; 7 a.m. is quite early. She puts on her new tracksuit she got from her coach a few days before until she gets a notification on her phone.


Dear ladies, unfortunately I am sick in bed but that doesn't mean you won't train. I have arranged for you to practice with the boys today & this week until I get back. Saturday's match will continue. Good luck today!

Y/n doesn't really care that she has to train with the boys, she used to do the same. She does her hair a little more and then leaves for her favorite café for a little breakfast before training.

'Hi Y/n, how are you?' asks Carlos sweetly. Carlos is the manager of the café and a very good friend of mine. 'Hi, i'm fine and you?" asks Y/n. 'With me everything is fine, what will it be today? A chocolate cake with coffee?' guesses Carlos. 'You already know me well' 'That's because you come here every day and ask for the same thing every day' laughs Carlos. He takes my order and I checkout. It's fifteen minutes before training starts, so that's just eating in the car.

*while at training*

I don't really know anyone yet, not even from my own team. I know about everyone's name but nothing more. Suddenly there is a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and there is a girl with brown hair and green eyes. 'Hi, I'm Yasmine. You're Y/n, right? The new one?" "Yes, I am. Nice to meet you Yasmine!' 'Nice to meet you to! We'll be good friends, I already know that!' I smile a little, secretly I miss my previous friends but I couldn't pass up this opportunity. But hey, I have Yasmine now... I guess.We walk together up the stairs that lead to the field where the boys train, the boys are already there. Xavi comes walking towards us with the boys. 'Hi girls, unfortunately Lluis is home sick in bed but that won't stop her from putting you to work. This week and maybe the next few weeks you will train with us.' 'I'm so curious about the boys,' Yasmine whispers to me. I smile at her but in the meantime I feel eyes burning on my back from 3 other girls on my team.'Okay, boys and girls please all come over here!" shouts Xavi across the square. 'As a warm-up you may all run 5 tours around the field because there are a bit too many of us to do the normal exercises' We wait for Xavi's signal and then start running the 5 tours. Yasmine keeps on talking how much she enjoys training with the boys. At the last lap, I start sprinting and catch up with most of the boys and girls. 

"Are you all warmed up?" asks Xavi. Everyone nods yes. 'Then we will now move on to exercises and later we will play matches. First I'm going to divide you into groups of 2, you 2 have to make sure the ball doesn't touch the ground otherwise you'll be out of the game!' Xavi walks around for a while until he grabs I think Alejandro and puts him next to a girl from my team. 'Ale, you work with?" asks Xavi. 'Sophia' replies the girl. 'Okay Sophie, you work with Alejandro' And so he continues until he puts a boy next to me who is just a little taller than me. He has brown fluffy hair and brown eyes. 'You're Y/n, right?' Xavi asks me. 'Yes,' I respond. 'Lluis has already told me a lot about you, it seems you are very talented. Let's see that today. Oh well, this is Pablo, your partner for today.' I look at Pablo and smile but he doesn't do it right back. He takes a good look at me before finally saying 'Better keep the ball high so we win!' Then he walks away for a ball. What the fuck, sure I'll keep the ball high! 'Okay everybody ready? And start!' Xavi whistles his whistle and everyone starts shooting the ball at each other in the air. After a minute there are only a few teams left. I think about 3 but I am not sure because I want to show Pablo that I can do it.

Suddenly, someone kicks the ball away. 'Hey, wtf Pedri! Why are you doing that?" shouts Pablo at him. 'Dude, calm down. You 2 have been winning for a long time, you just didn't realize it yet' says Pedri. Pablo looks around for a moment and then has Pedri smiling a hug.

'We are going to have a game now, Ansu and Ferran, you make the groups.' They both walked toward Xavi and then each took turns choosing 1 person for their team. I was chosen by Ferran and was in the other group than Pablo and Yasmine. Somewhat good, this way I can show my skills to Pablo, and maybe he won't be so blunt. The game starts and I get the ball from Ferran. I looked for a moment at where I was going and then saw Pablo running towards me. He tries to take the ball away but my dribbling skills are better. Everyone was amazed to see me take Pablo down and that's how I scored. Everyone ran to me and gave me a hug, except for Pablo who sat on the floor shocked. I walked over to him and held out my hand to help him straighten but he refused. He stood up, gave me a shoulder push and walked on to the changing rooms. "Hey, don't worry about him. He just can't stand being beaten by a girl. Otherwise, I thought you were very good!' a blond-haired boy tells me. "Thank you, and you are?" "Oh yes, I'm Frenkie." 'Nice to meet you, frenkie!' Together we walk in towards the changing rooms. I shower myself quickly and then leave for Camila's house to tell about my first day.

In the meantime, I had already arrived at Camila. We sat comfortably in the sofa chatting about everything. "How did your first training go now?" "It was okay, I beat a guy in a game." "You're lying, how?" "He mentions Pablo and I had to do an exercise with him but he was very stupid to me so I got my skills out there and beat him." "He's probably completely impressed with you now and might like you?" "Never mind" I laugh. After a few hours I leave for home. Another training session with the boys tomorrow, hopefully he will do much less stupid this time.

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