I'm not sorry I kissed you

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My brace has been off for a few days now and the doctor has allowed me to slowly start training again. Today is the first day I go back, it's strange though that Lluis is still not back.

I arrived at training just in time and saw Lluis standing next to Xavi. 'Good morning Y/n, join us quick' Xavi calls to me. I walk towards Yasmine and listen to what Lluis and Xavi have to say. 'We, Lluis and I, decided to have the boys and girls train together because we see that you have much more motivation and desire to train now that the other group is joining. Lluis will stay, she still has the most voice over the girls and I over the boys and we will keep it that way. We just keep training together' Somehow I like it but somewhere I don't because after Saturday the vibe between me and Pablo is no longer the same.Today was training at Camp Nou, anyone who wanted to could come and watch. My parents had announced that they were coming with my younger sister and brother, which I liked. They had never seen me train or play at Barça and my brother is the biggest fan ever. Everything was ready for practice. 'Today we are going to shoot back at the goal but over the fake people' Xavi said. We all shot at the goal, from a few they were in but from a few they were stopped. I had already been and Marc stopped it. It was Pablo's turn, he shot but it was a little too hard so it went over the goal into the crowd right at a little boy's head. My little brother's head. Quickly I walk to the side towards my little brother.

Pablo's pov:

Shit, is that her little brother? I run after Y/n towards the little boy. I see Y/n holding him. 'Hey everything okay? Sorry about the ball' I say to him as I sit down next to him. Ashamed, he nods yes. 'Is that your little brother?' I ask Y/n. She looks at me for a moment and then nods yes. 'His name is Liam' she then says after a while. 'I'll stop by the infirmary with him otherwise, just to make sure everything is okay with him' Smiling she looks at me. 'Is that okay with you guys?' I look at her parents and they nod yes. I grab Liam and walk towards the infirmary.

Y/n's pov:

I see Pablo walking away along with my little brother. They are really cute together. I give my parents and sister another quick hug and then walk back to the field. 'Everything okay with him?" asks Lluis. 'Yes, so far everything looks okay. Pablo stopped by the infirmary with him' 'That's sweet of him' Secretly I think it's really sweet too, would he do that for everyone?

After a while, Pablo comes running onto the field with Liam. He lets go of Liam's hand and Liam jumps into my arms. 'And?' I ask Pablo. 'Everything is okay with him' 'That's good' I put Liam down and pass a ball to him with which he starts to play football. 'He's going to be a good footballer' says Pablo. I look at him. 'You think so' 'Sure, I can see that right away' Smiling I look at Liam who meanwhile walks over to the other boys. 'Sorry about yesterday' he then says after a short silence. 'Not here Pablo' 'Then come to my house with me after practice' I hesitate for a moment but then nod yes. 

'That's it for today then! Thank you for coming and until next time!" says Xavi to the people in the stands through the microphone. Meanwhile, my little brother has already returned to my parents. I walk towards the dressing rooms. 'Your little brother is so cute' says Rapinha to me. 'Thank you, how you guys were with each other was cute too' I smile at him. I walk into the locker rooms and change.The drive to Pablo's house was quiet. I think we both didn't know what to say. He parks the car in the garage and walks in. 'Would you like something to drink?" he asks as he walks into the kitchen. 'No thanks' I say as I sit down in the sofa. Pablo comes back with a bottle of Coke and sits down next to me. 'Actually I'm not sorry I kissed you' he says suddenly. Confused, I look at him.  'No?' 'No, I wanted to do it for a long time' I remain silent, what should I say to this? 'I like you Y/n' I look at him straight into his beautiful brown eyes. 'Pablo...' 'Sorry Y/n but I can't stop my feelings in 1 2 3 for you' 'I know but I don't know if this is a good idea' 'You won't find out until you try' I look away for a moment outside, I feel his eyes burning on me. 'Stop staring' I laugh. 'Then stop being so pretty' laughing I look at him again. 'That was a bit cringe don't you think?' Silently he continues to look at me. 'Are you going to stop staring because of this?' 'Because of what?" he asks confused. 'Because of this' I crawl onto his lap and put my lips softly against his. This kiss feels very different from the first, I feel more love. I pull back and look at him shamefully. Without realizing it, his lips are again laying on mine. After a few long seconds he pulls back, I crawl off his lap and lay my head on his chest and that's how we both fall asleep.

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