'Everything for you princess'

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'Fitness training is planned for today. Make groups of 6 and stand by a part' I was in a group with Yasmine, Pedri, Gavi, Aleix and Sabrina. Yes, you heard it right 'Sabrina'. I don't know what animates her but she chases Pablo everywhere, I never knew he has a dog. "Come on, we'll start on the bikes," Pedri says. We've been on it for fifteen minutes now and I'm already up, cycling is not my thing. 'Move on!' shouts Xavi across the square. The guys are walking towards 1 or other game that I don't know yet. "Y/n, come with me," Xavi tells me. I look at him strangely for a moment but then follow him inside until we reach a room where the woman with black hair is sitting.

"What is this?" I ask them. 'After you fainted a few days ago, Charlotte measured your blood, she just got the results' Charlotte points to the chair that I can sit down. "I'll leave you alone for a while," Xavi says as he walks out. Worried, I look at Charlotte. "And?" I finally ask. "You shouldn't worry so much, your blood looks good at first glance but I'd still like to ask you something." "Okay?" I answer vaguely. 'On the result I see that there are very few nutrients in your blood and that is the cause that you fainted, Y/n do you eat enough?' Startled, I look at her. I don't know if I'm eating enough, I always eat breakfast and I can see the rest. "um. I don't know' I answer honestly. She looks at me worriedly. "Y/n, that's not healthy not to eat enough. You can end up in the hospital with an eating disorder' 'I know but I just don't want to eat much.' that's why you thicken and I don't want that' 'Y/n, your body is beautiful, you exercise almost every day. You really won't thicken! A lot of people are jealous of such a beautiful girl as you!' Sighing, she grabs my hands causing my bracelets to go up a little. Startled, I pull them back. "Y/n, are you cutting yourself?" 'No' I get up and quickly walk back into the square behind my things. I have to leave, no one was ever allowed to see that. 'Y/n wait!' Charlotte calls after me but I didn't stop, with tears in my eyes I walk back onto the field.

I didn't pay close attention to where I was walking and without realizing it I ran into someone. "Y/n? What happened? Why are you crying?' asks Pablo worriedly. 'Nothing' before I could walk away, Charlotte and Xavi stood next to me. 'Y/n, we need to talk about this. Please come back to my office" Charlotte tries to say as sweetly as possible. "No, I don't want to talk about it! This is a thing of the past! And okay I'll eat more now good?' I snarl at her. "What's going on here?" asks Xavi, a little annoyed. Charlotte looks at me. "Tell him now, you'd tell him later behind my back!" Charlotte turns to Xavi and starts talking. 'Y/n doesn't eat enough.. and I've seen cuts on her wrists' Xavi's face goes from irritated to shocked. "What!?" shouts Pablo. I had completely forgotten that he was still standing here, he wasn't supposed to ever find out. "Y/n? Do you mean that? Why do you do that? And why didn't you say anything?' he looks at me. 'Hurts when i remember and i never wanna feel it again!" With tears in my eyes, I walk away to the side.

I sat there alone for a while until Charlotte and Pablo came to sit next to me. "Hey Y/n, sorry I didn't have to insist like that. I get that you'd rather not talk about it.' Charlotte said. 'My brother died 2 years ago' I say quietly. Charlotte and Pablo are silent for a moment. "I'm sorry y/n" Charlotte whispers. "I was devastated, he was like my soulmate." Then I started cutting myself. I stopped when i heard i could play here, I wanted a fresh start. And here I am now' Pablo grabs me in a hug. "I swear I've stopped hurting myself" I say to Charlotte. "I believe you and I'm here for you, you can always knock on my office's door." She gives me another small hug and walks back to her office. "Come i cried enough, we're going to play football again." I grab Pablo's hand and we walk back to the group together.

"Girls, you have your first match of the season against Atletico tomorrow. The boys are also welcome if they want to come and have a look, I will provide places again. The training is over, go ahead," Xavi told all of us. Pablo walks up to me. "Will you play tomorrow?" 'Yes' 'Great, then I'll come. I'm curious about your first match!' 'Thank you again for just now, means a lot to me!' 'Everything for you princess' He puts his arm around my shoulder and walks with me to the changing rooms. I had just finished showering and wanted to leave until Sabrina and her 2 best friends came to stand in front of me. I think they're called Amalia and Mia. "Didn't you understand me last time? Stay away from Pablo!' 'As far as I know I'm not your dog and now let me through thankyou' Amalia and Mia both grab an arm and press me against the wall. "Let me go!" "I warn you 1 more time! You know what to expect if you don't do it!' The 2 girls let go of me and walk away after Sabrina. I'll listen to see if they're gone. "Hey Sabrina, is Y/n still in the locker room?" I hear Pablo ask. "No, she's long gone. I think along with Frenkie' 'Oh ok.. then I'll go' I hear Pablo say disappointedly. What a bitch, I'm literally still in the locker room. I quickly grab my things and walk behind Pablo. "Pablo waits!" He turns around and looks happy but somehow surprised. 'Sabrina said you were already gone with Frenkie' 'Sabrina can rot, she wants me to stay away from you' 'She has nothing to want' he laughs. Together we walk to his car. "Do you feel like watching a movie at my house?" he asks after a short silence. "Yes, why not?" Pablo starts the car and drives towards his house.

"What movie do you want to see?" Meanwhile, he walks to the kitchen behind snacks. 'Scream, I've wanted to watch it for so long but I don't dare alone' 'Ohn is our y/n a little scared?' "Shut up" I laugh. Pablo comes back with a few bags of chips. He settles into the corner of the seat and I a little further. 'Don't be weird, come and lay with me' I hesitate for a moment but then crawl up to him anyway. He grabs a blanket and puts it over us, to lay down a little better I put my head on his chest.

After the 1st movie we also watched the 2nd. I often crawled under the blanket in terror and Pablo laughed at it every time, secretly he was also scared sometimes. 'Phew, I still have to go home' 'You shouldn't go home' I look at him strangely. "What? You can always sleep here' 'Here? Isn't that weird?' "Why would that be weird? It's 11pm, you're not going to walk home anymore' 'Yes okay, where should I sleep' Pablo picks me up and brings me upstairs. He goes to the 2nd door on the right and throws me there on the bed. He walks to the closet and throws a t-shirt at me like last time. "And where are you going to sleep?" I ask. 'In the couch' 'um noway, just sleep here that doesn't interest me that much' 'Are you sure?' "Yes" I smile at him. "Is it bad if I sleep in shorts?" "It's your house, do whatever you want. I don't care, I only sleep in a t-shirt, do I?' Pablo nods and takes off his t-shirt. I'm already crawling under the sheets. 'Sleep well Pablo' 'Sleep well beauty ' For the 2nd time this week, that unknown feeling returns.

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