What a rotten day

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Pablo has a match today, I can see he is a little stressed because the previous matches did not go so well for him. "Are you almost ready?" he calls out to me. 'Yes' I walk down the stairs and grab my shoes. 'Not so stressed, you can do this I know' 'You always say' he mumbles. We walk out the door and get in the car.

'Good luck' I say as I give him a kiss. He gives me another hug and then walks in. I walk the other way towards the stands, Camila is already sitting there. 'Hey Camila, is Pedri stressed that much too?' 'No why?' 'I don't know, Pablo is more stressed than usual' She shrugs and continues looking at her phone.

The players walk onto the field for warm-up and, as always, Pablo keeps the ball high. 'Hey Y/n, what's up with Pablo?" asks Xavi to me. 'I have no idea, he is acting really weird today' 'Indeed, he is not really there with his head' He turns around and walks back to the bench. The game starts and Pablo gets the ball, he passes it to Frenkie and then stays a bit in the background. This is really not of his habit, normally he always tries to attack and take the ball away from the other team. In the break I'll have a chat with him. The match has been going on for about half an hour now and I haven't really seen Pablo play, I can see that Xavi is getting irritated. The ball is passed to Pablo but someone from the other team pushes him very hard in the back causing him to fall to the ground. I hear him scream in pain, I quickly stand up and crawl over the edge of the field where you are not actually allowed. 'Miss you are not allowed here' a man from security says to me. 'Let me through I am his girlfriend' The man does everything he can to stop me but I still manage to get onto the field. I walk towards Pablo with all the people from security following me. 'Omg Pablo everything okay?" I say as I sit down next to him. He makes a sign that he is in a lot of pain. The nurses walk onto the field, finally. 'Get her' shouts 1 of the security people. They grab me by my arms and drag me off the field. 'Let go of me' I shout. I see Pablo trying to stand up to protect me but he doesn't succeed. They drag me off the field. 'Let me go, I need to know how he's doing' I yell at them. 'You're not going anywhere' 1 of the men snarls at me. 'Let go of her!" shouts a boy behind us. They turn around and release me immediately. It's Xavi. 'How dare you guys? Her boyfriend is lying on the field in pain and you are dragging her away' 'We're sorry sir' Xavi turns and walks back onto the field with me.

I run back to Pablo on the field. 'Is he okay?' I ask 1 of the nurses. 'He says the pain is already a little less but still we are going to take him for pictures' I nod and the nurses put him on a stretcher. I follow them in, hopefully it's not too bad.

'It's not too bad, your nerve is slightly hit. You probably won't be able to play soccer for about 1 week' a nurse tells him. He nods. I can see in his eyes that he really doesn't like it. The nurse walks out of the room and I sit down next to him. 'Is it better already' 'Yes' he answers shortly. 'Sorry I couldn't do anything to those security people' 'That's totally okay Pablo' He nods and stands up. 'Come, I still want to see the end of the match' He grabs my hand and together we walk towards the field.

It is the end of the match and we have won 1-0. Pablo's teammates walk up to him and all give him a hug. 'You'll be fine' I hear Pedri say to him. After everyone has gone to the locker room Pablo comes back to me. 'Come, we are going home' I nod and follow him. Around me I hear girls everywhere calling out behind Pablo, I see he is a little uncomfortable but then walks towards the group of girls anyway. They all ask for a picture and he gives his t-shirt to 1 of the girls. "Is that your girlfriend?" I hear someone call out while pointing at me. He nods and then walks back to me. 'Very uncomfortable this' he whispers to me. 'I understand,' I whisper back.

'What a rotten day' says Pablo as we walk into his house. 'Can I ask you something?' I finally ask. 'Sure' 'Is something wrong because you were acting a little weird today' he sighs and sits down on the sofa. 'Come and sit down for a minute' he says. I put down my bag and sit down next to him, I look straight into his eyes. 'Today is the day my little brother has been dead for 10 years' he mutters. I look at him shocked, a little brother? 'Oh, I'm sorry' I mutter. 'It's okay' 'What happened if I may ask?' 'Hit by a car' he mumbles. 'That's why I was very afraid I was going to lose you after that car accident' I see the sadness in his eyes, I can't imagine what this must be like for him. I crawl close to him. He grabs me in a hug and I feel him release his tears. 'I'm here for you' I say. 'I know and I'm here for you too' I hug him extra hard and then give him a kiss.

*Time skip*

Today it's back The Masked Singer. I return from training and pick up Pablo at his house. 'Shut up to my parents huh' I tell him. 'Yeah sure, I want to know their reaction when they know it's you' he laughs. My mother has given me a key to the house so I can enter without ringing the doorbell. I open the door and we walk inside. My mother has already put all the snacks and drinks on the table again, she loves this program. We settle in the seat and start watching.'I really have no idea who is in it' my mother says. She has probably already said this sentence about every costume. 'Oh yes, it's up to Mispoes' exclaims Leyla as she winks at me. I lay back against Pablo and look at my parents trying to guess who is under there.

'This is definitely my favorite' says my father. 'Mine too' says my mother. 'I recognize that voice but I can't put a name to it' says my mother. I think it's kind of funny, if they're going to find out that's me ... I don't know what they'll do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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