'The Voice'

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I have been looking for Y/n for a while now but I don't find her until I hear a familiar voice. I walk towards the stage and see her standing there, drunk and already singing. She is singing "Control" by Zoe Wees and it is beautiful but I think I know why she is singing this. She needs to get off the stage before she breaks into a thousand pieces from sadness. As soon as she finishes singing I want to go on stage but Pedri stops me. 'Leave her' 'No, I know why she is singing this' I walk on stage and grab Y/n who bursts into tears. 'I miss him Pablo' 'I know' I help her off stage and walk with her outside.

'Sorry' 'You don't have to apologize Y/n, I understand you miss him' Y/n stares ahead. 'You can sing incredibly good though' I see a small smile on her face. 'I used to sing along with soccer too' 'Why did you stop?' 'After my brother died I stopped, he was my biggest supporter' We are silent for a moment. 'After my brother died I went to a competition, he dreamed of seeing me on that stage but it never happened until then' I feel so stupid for her, why does she have to go through all this? 'Do you want to see it?" she then asks after a long silence. 'I'd love to' I smile. She pulls out her phone and shows me a video.

I was in emotion, tears came to my eyes. 'Are you crying now?" she laughs. 'I just really like it, I'm sure your brother would be very proud of you' She smiles at me and puts her head on my shoulder.

'Do you want to go home?' I ask then after a while. She nods. 'I'm going to go tell the others, you go sit in the car already' She stands up and walks towards my car.

Y/n's pov:

We are sitting quietly in the couch watching a movie until I get a message from my mom, so late?

Mom:Hey honey, we actually wanted to wait until tomorrow to tell you the good news but Leyla couldn't wait any longer. In fact, she has been accepted into the junior girls team in Barcelona. So that means we are moving closer. X mom

'Omg!" I yell out. 'What is it?" asks Pablo. 'Leyla has been accepted into the junior team!' 'You're lying' He stands up and gives me a hug.

Me:'Omg that's fantastic news! I'm very happy for Leyla, tell her! When are you coming to Barcelona?

Mom:We already found a house not far from where you live, we leave in 2 days.

Me:Send the address then, Pablo and I are sure to come and help decorate the house.

Mom:All right, good night honey and have a happy birthday!

Me:Thank you, goodnight mom x

'I'm proud of your sister' 'Me too, you guys do have a good bond huh' 'Yeah, she's really sweet!' 'Just wait until she brings out her true colors' I laugh. Pablo puts down the TV and we walk towards the bedroom.

Slowly I wake up between Pablo's arms. 'Good morning babe' 'Good morning' I mumble back. 'I've been thinking some more and I think you should enter that competition again' 'Good joke' 'I'm serious Y/n, you can really sing super beautifully' 'Then we'll have to go to Belgium first' 'Belgium?' 'Did you think that that competition was here?' 'I don't know but why Belgium?' 'I was born there but I moved here because of Barcelona' 'So, then we'll go to Belgium' 'Forget it, I'm really not entering that competition again' I get up and walk out of the room.

*2 days later*

'Hey, what a nice house' I say as I walk into my parents' new house. 'Yeah we think so too' I walk up the stairs towards Leyla's new room. 'Congratulations Leyla, I knew you were going to do it' Happy she walks up to me and gives me a hug. 'All thanks to you' I smile at her. 'You picked the nicest room I see' 'Sure, you know me huh'

Pablo's pov:

'Can I ask you guys something' I ask Y/n's parents when Y/n is upstairs with Leyla. 'Sure' 'How would you guys feel about Y/n competing in 'The Voice' or whatever it's called again' Shocked they look at me. 'The Voice? How do you know she has already participated in that?" her mother asks surprised "A few days ago she was singing a song on stage in a club, after that she told me all about her brother, your son, and why she doesn't sing anymore" 'Oh, it was a very difficult time for Y/n. I don't think she ever wants to participate in that again' 'She doesn't want to but it's too stupid to stop singing, isn't it? She has such a beautiful voice!' 'We agree but if she doesn't want to we can't do much about it' 'What if we sign her up for the next season?' Curious they look at me.

*Time skip*

Y/n's parents and I did sign Y/n up for The Voice after a while. Her mother had sent me a message that a package had come in from Belgium for Y/n. I convinced Y/n to stop by her parents' house after training.

'Hey can I ask you guys something?' I ask Xavi and Lluis when everyone else has already gone to the locker rooms. 'Yeah sure' 'I signed Y/n up for a singing competition a while ago and I think she got in but the competition is in Belgium. My question for you is if it's possible if we are out of training for a while' 'Pff Pablo, that's kind of hard' 'I know but I just want her to be able to close the chapter with her brother because I don't think she's quite done that yet' 'Okay, it's okay but that's also for the first and last time okay?' 'Thank you' I give them a quick hug and walk towards the dressing rooms.

'Come in' says Y/n's mom as she opens the door. Y/n is already sitting for a while talking to Leyla. 'Y/n?" "Yes? Leyla and Y/n look at me curiously. 'We are actually here for something else' I say as I hand her the package. Strangely she looks at me but then opens it anyway. Her face immediately changes when she sees the logo of The Voice. 'No Pablo, I won't participate' 'Come on Y/n, you would do so well' her mother says. 'Did you know about this too?" she yells angrily. Her mother nods softly of yes. Y/n wants to run away angrily but I stop her. 'Y/n stop, I know it is very hard for you to do this again but it would be much better for you, you will finally be able to close the chapter of your brother and move on with your life. That pain will always remain but you can fight it like joining this competition' Sadly she looks at me. Leyla comes to stand next to us. 'Pablo is right, you should join! I miss the times when we used to sing together in the bathroom or in the car, I miss it...' I see the doubt in Y/n's eyes but she conceded anyway. 'Okay I'll do it' I smile at her and give her a hug.

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