Time Travel and Bad Memories

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"Race you to the library! Cold Fires Verses Dark Sun's.. Anndd Go!!" Xania exclaimed. Cold Fires consisted of Xania, Toklo,Taliq and Rachael and Dark Suns had Maridi, Cameron, Temokoi and And Ana. Of course, Cold Fires won but that's not the point. Their choosing ceremony is tomorrow and they wanted to research their own clan before they joined it. When they left, Something was missing... no.. Someone. Toklo had been freaking out. Xania had vanished. Maridi shrieked, And she had found the body. It was torn and strew everywhere. Toklo thought for a moment, But realized It was Xania. He screamed and turned to Taliq. He punched him square in the jaw.

Toklo woke up panting and afraid. He had been having this dream for several months. He got on Instagram and thought, That Doctor Who episode was on tonight.. SHIT. "You know what.. Screw it. I will watch it tomorrow.

He got up to make himself breakfast, Only to find... THERE WAS NO SPOON. He screamed and Maridi from next door came running. " I NEED A SPOON!!! MAAARRRIIIDDDDIIII!" Maridi stuck up her middle finger and threw a packet of silverware at him. "Next time, Do the dishes and god damnit don't wake me up at 6:57 on a Sunday. EVER." She stormed out angrily. He turned on the TV and played the newest Doctor Who episode.

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