Chapter Two: A Warning

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Amelia opened her eyes to nothing but darkness.

"Huh? What is this?"

She asked herself, she didn't want to just stand there, so she walked forward, hoping to find a way out of the pitch black surrounding her.

"This seems to go on forever... Where's the exit to- wherever I am?"

She felt as if she were walking for hours, it was like a video game, the terrain just kept generating.

"Okay, this is starting to get really annoying."

After what felt like another hour of walking, she decided to stop and rest.

"Y'know what? Frick this, I'm tired of this walking."

A voice came out of the blue after she said that.

"But you can't give up, that's not what a police officer does, is it?"

The voice told her. Amelia was confused, the voice sounded exactly like an old friend: Vitruvius.

"Vitruvius? But, how are you here? Where am I?"

It was silent for a bit, until Vitruvius appeared in front of her in his ghost form.

"You're in your mind, my dear."

"But why am I here? I don't usually dream when I'm asleep."

"You are not really dreaming, you're just stuck in your mindscape."

"Why is it so black, though? Like, this is really depressing. I don't think my mind is this bleak."

"It is because you are asleep. Your mind is much brighter when you are awake."

"Oh, okay- But why am I in my mind, and why are you here?"

"To warn you, I found it best to talk to you in your mind while you are asleep." He told her,

"Uh- what do you need to warn me about exactly?"

"You and your friends are in terrible danger."

"Wait, what? What do you mean "terrible danger"?"

"A new villain will show up, wanting to cause mass destruction. It is up to you and a new ally to stop them."

"Me, but I'm just a simple police officer- I can't beat a villain, I'm just the person who cheers from the sidelines..."

She hung her head, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"No, my dear. You are much more than that."

"But I'm not even a master builder- I how am I supposed to-"

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you're a master builder or not. You will find a way.

And with that, he disappeared.

"But wait! Come back! Who's the new ally you mentioned?"

The ground below her lit up to a lavender looking glow. 

~Forgiving and Forgetting~ A Rex Dangervest x OC Story (Test Book)Where stories live. Discover now