Chapter Eight: Captured

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Amelia thought she would be fine now that Rex was around, although she was still afraid. Rex had offered to let her stay with him until they could handle the whole King Firen situation, right now she was laying on one of the couches in the game room of Rex's ship, the couch was big enough to substitute a bed.

Amelia was just staring at the ceiling not being able to fall asleep, she closed her eyes hoping to get some rest. She kept thinking about the dream where she saw Vitruvius, she caught on that Rex was the new ally, but she was more worried of what might happen if Firen captures her.

"Don't worry, Amelia, my dear. You will be just fine." She heard Vitruvius say.

She opened her eyes and sat up. The looked beside her and saw her old friend,

"How did you know what I was thinking?" She asked,

"I have the ability to see your thoughts."

"Okay, one: Creepy. Two: My friends are in danger, and I don't know what to do."

"It will be okay, Amelia. Because now you have someone to protect you and your friends." "Who? Rex? I mean- yeah, he's a good protector, but I don't think he's gonna be enough."

"You never know, he could be your savior."

"Savior? Like a prince? Sorry, but I'm no princess."

"I'm not saying you are, but I just want you to know your time will come. And when it does, you will know."

Amelia opened her eyes, she sat up and looked around.

"So that was a dream, man, this world is strange."

"Oh, good, you're up." She heard Rex say,


"What's up with you? You look like you saw a ghost."

"You could sort of say that."

"Um- okay then? Well come on, we need to meet with the Queen and everyone else to discuss a plan."

"Alright, I'll be there in a second."

She got up and adjusted her hair before she left

Rex and Amelia walked to the palace, they both were cautious the entire way. When they arrived, Amelia didn't go in right away.

"Hey, you coming, Cotton Candy?"

"Uh- Yeah- I just need a bit to think."

"Alright, just don't be too long."

"I won't"

She walked around for a little, thinking to herself, she thought nothing would happen, so she wasn't worried, then some two of King Firen's guards snuck up behind her and grabbed her.

"Hey! Let me go!"

One of them spoke into a walkie-talkie,

"Tell King Firen we got her, all we need to do is get Dangervest."

They covered her mouth, so she couldn't yell for help.

"Take her to King Firen, I'll handle Dangervest."

The other guard teleported Amelia to Galactron, while the other one went to capture Rex.

"She's been out there longer than she should've." Rex said,

"Aw, are you worried about her?" Unikitty asked,

"Of course I am, she's my best friend."

"Is she? Or do you wanna be more with her?" The unicorn cat asked,

"Unikitty, please. Stop."

Rex didn't want everyone to know he had a thing for her, he didn't even know why he didn't want them to know himself. He just didn't. Then without warning, the palace doors threw open, revealing one of Firen's guards being the one who threw it open.

"Rex Dangervest, I have been ordered to capture you and bring you to King Firen of Galactron." "Firen's guard... That means-"

Rex realized Amelia had been captured by Firen.

"Give her back now!" Rex shouted,

"The King has chosen her to be his bride, she will not be returning to you ever."

That's when Rex lost it, he ran up to the guard preparing to deck him, little did he know the guard pulled out a taser and tased him. Rex fell to the ground, unconscious,

"Rex!" Emmet yelled. The guard put handcuffs on Rex and grabbed him by the back of his vest. "Don't worry, King Firen is sure to have a place for all of you."

That was the last thing the guard said before teleporting to Galactron.

Amelia was brought to Firen, the guard put handcuffs on her too, so she wouldn't be able to escape.

"Ah, Amelia, my dear. You're here!" Firen said,

"Let me go! You're insane!" "Insane for you, my dear. Lunella, take her to get ready for the wedding."

"Yes, Sir." Lunella took Amelia's arm and led her to a dressing room.

Before Amelia and Lunella left the room, another guard came into the throne room, holding Rex down.

"Let me and Amelia go before I master break you all into oblivion!" Amelia gasped,


Cotton Candy!"

The guard holding him down kicked him in the stomach,

"Will you please stop kicking my damn stomach?! You've done it five times on the way here!" "Ah, Dangervest, just the villain I wanted to see."

"So you're Firen, eh? You're not at all what I imagined, you're worse." Firen glared daggers at him,

"And I'm not a villain anymore, I'm retired."

Firen scoffed, "Whatever, I've heard of what you did. You caused Armamageddon, I need someone like you in my ranks."

"Sorry, no can do. This place is a freak show."

"But I can give you whatever you want, money and fame. Just name your price."

"That does sound tempting, but I have to decline. Sorry, dude."

"Then you are no use to me. Guards, kill him."

"Wait, what?!"

Amelia didn't want him to die, so she had to act fast.

"No! Wait, please, Firen!" She yelled, Firen looked at her,

"Don't kill him, I'll marry you, I won't try to escape. Just let him live!"

"Cotton Candy- No-"

"Please, don't kill him..."

"Cotton Candy, don't do this-"

"It's for your own safety, Rex..."

"Fine, he can live. Guards, send him to the dungeon."

They did as they were ordered and dragged him to the dungeon. Lunella took Amelia to get dressed. She didn't want to marry Firen, but at this point, she didn't have a choice.

~Forgiving and Forgetting~ A Rex Dangervest x OC Story (Test Book)Where stories live. Discover now