Chapter Four: Returning To Existence

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Leaving Syspocalypsestar, and going outside their galaxy to a desolate place where eight-legged creatures, harsh winds, and bad memories reside: The Undar-the-Drayar System.

Rex slowly opened his eyes, groaning softy as he sat up.

He didn't quite catch on to what was happening at first, until he realized.

"What the heck-"

He looked at his hands, and ran a hand through his hair. He was definitely real. He quickly stood up,

"How am I here? A paradox, a glitch?"

He couldn't wrap his head around it,

"Emmet never became me, Lucy came back for him, so how-"

He brushed it off, he didn't wanna be in the place he loathed the most.

"I'm gonna bet the Rexselcior disappeared along with me." He told himself.

He thought for a minute, then had an idea. He'll just build another one, so he got to work. Finding enough of his signature colored bricks and rebuild his ship, which he named it, the Rexselcior Mark ll.

He set the ship's course for the one place where he knew he could find a certain guy and gal.

Although, he was worried they would hate him for what he did. He felt he deserved it though, no-one should forgive him, Emmet probably would. He knows how he is, he believes everyone should have a second chance, even if they didn't deserve it. He was deeply afraid of Amelia hating him, he fell in love with her when he tried to cause Armamageddon. He kept asking the same question over and over the entire time,

"How can you love someone if you don't exist?"

He asked himself, he decided to stop thinking about it and continue on with his journey.

He arrived to Syspocaplypstar, and parked his ship to where no-one could see it. He didn't want anyone to be suspicious, he walked around for a while, the bright colors of the place slightly blinding him.

"How can anyone stand this much color?"

He shielded his eyes a little, he hasn't really seen this much color since he first met Unikitty in Cloud Cuoo-Kuoo Land.

As he was walking looking for Emmet or Amelia, people looked at him strangely. He looked way different from the other citizens that live in Syspocalypsestar, some women even swooned at him, some asked if he was single, he just ignored them. He was already in love with Amelia, the girl he thought he should have been with from the start, and he wouldn't rest until he found her.

~Forgiving and Forgetting~ A Rex Dangervest x OC Story (Test Book)Where stories live. Discover now