hwi - studio

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1094 words


he didn't reply my text again

you looked at the texts that you sent hwi this morning. you noticed that he always ended up in his studio after his promotions ended, that made you worried about his health.

argh i miss him

you decided to text your childhood friend, hyunsoo to ask if hwi was in his studio again.

hey, it's hwi in his studio??

yup, he went straight to the studio after our practice. worry about ur boyfriend huh ;)

shut up, did u guys have your lunch??

nah, can u bring us some food? :(

i was going to, anything u guys want?

anything but fish, thanks <3


you changed your clothes and went out to order something for them. besides, you packed some of your brownies as a snack for them.


you went to order some pizzas, hoping that it's enough for them to eat. you continued your walk to the company with your hands full of food.

hope they'll like it

when you arrived at the company, you went straight to the front desk to ask where they were.

"hey y/n, long time no see, here to visit them?" she said, happy to see you here. "yup, they're craving for food so i bought them some, can i ask where they are?" you smiled back, showing her the food. "they're in the practice room, the one on the 3rd floor," she answered. "thanks," you thanked and went up to the practice room.


you stopped in front of the door and knocked on it.

"please come in!"

"hey guys!" you opened the door and greeted them while carrying the food.

"pizza!" they exclaimed, running up to take the pizzas.

damn, they just went straight to get the pizzas

"thanks a lot y/n," they thanked while tearing up the packing.

you went to taehun who's preparing the plates and asked, "so how's the practice?"

"everything went well, the kids were in a good condition," he answered, taking a piece of pizza. you nodded at his answer.

"I know you're here to see hwi, he's in his studio, you should go and find him," hyunsoo said, munching on his pizza.

"you should go and tell him not to always stay in the studio, he should rest more," taehun informed, the others agreed.

"sure, i'll go and tell him," ready to leave while taking some of the pizza for him. "oh and i bought my homemade brownies for you all," you added.

"thanks again y/n," they said. you gave them a smile and left to find your boyfriend.

"I really adore their relationship," junhyeok said, taking a piece of pizza from the box.

"glad that they met each other," kyungjun added.

"all credits on me, i introduced y/n to hwi first," hyunsoo proudly said.

"gosh, i love her brownies so much," sungjun said, ready to take another piece of it.

"we should treat her a meal when we all have time, she really take good care of us," taehun said, the others agreed with his idea.


you walked over to hwi's studio and knocked on the door.

you waited for a minute and you still didn't get any response from him.

he's probably on his headphones again

you quietly opened the door, seeing him typing something on his keyboard while wearing his headphones. you went in and put your things as well as his food on the side. you walked over him and slightly patted on his shoulder.

"WHAT WHO!" he shouted and flinched a little. you let out a laugh when you saw his reaction.

i should have record his reaction

he turned around and was relieved when he saw you.

"you scared me y/n, you should have just called me" he stood up from his seat and hugged you. you hugged back and said, "you probably couldn't hear me too cuz you're on your headphones."

he let go of the hug and asked, "what are you doing here though?" you looked at him and said, "well my boyfriend always ends up in his studio so i just decided to buy some food for him and his members in case they're hungry after their practice," pointing at the table full of food.

"my girlfriend is the best," patting your head, slightly messing up your hair. "okay stop, let's just eat," you took the food and put it on his table.

you both sat side by side and began to eat.


"you know you should rest more after the promotion, the members and i are worried about you," you said, giving him a piece of your brownies. "i know, i've been working on a track recently, it'll be done soon, i'll rest after it," he said, trying to reassure you while holding your hand.

"you better promise me that, i just miss spending time with you," slumping down your seat. "i promise, we can do whatever you want after this," he smiled at you.

you both kept on talking and it led you to stare at his face. you thought that he looked really good in glasses.

damn i'm lucky that he's my boyfriend

"hey are you listening?" he looked at you and added, "what are you thinking about?"

"nothing, i just thought that you look drop-dead gorgeous when you're wearing your glasses," you bluntly said, still staring at him.

he blushed a little when you complimented him.

gosh she sure knows how to make me blush

"stop, you're making me blush," hiding his face from you. "aww is my boyfriend shy when i compliment him?" you teased him while trying to stop him from hiding his face.

"but it's real though, you look good with your glasses on, i especially love it when you wear this black framed glasses," pointing the glasses he's wearing.

"thanks love, i'll wear it more often around you then," he smiled softly, happy that you said that.

"are you coming to my place this weekend? i can cook you something if you're coming over," you asked, hoping to spend some quality time with him.

"sure, i'll come over. are you going to make my favorite dish?" he said, waiting for you to answer. "we'll see about that," you answered, giving a peck on his cheek.


you both then continued to talk and he even let you listened to some of his other songs that he's still working on.

"did i mentioned that you look extremely attractive when you're producing?"



junhyeok is back guys <3

🎵 chaser by woodz

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