junhyeok - after work

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"y/n, i'm back."

junhyeok was met with silence, he expected that you were already at home after seeing that it's past your working hours.

"weird," he mumbled after taking off his shoes. he put aside his bags and walked around the house to find you. yet, he couldn't find you everywhere in the house.

"maybe she's working overtime today," he mumbled, walking into the kitchen, "which means she probably haven't eaten her dinner yet," looking inside of the refrigerator, finding there's frozen dumplings, "i'll just make us dumpling soup then."

after changing his dirty clothes, he began to prepare the ingredients for the soup.


"i swear if he changed the due dates again, i'm quitting," you mumbled under your breath, being annoyed by your boss.

you walked into your house and took off your shoes. when you noticed that junhyeok's shoes were placed on the shoe rack, you shouted, "i'm home."

junhyeok stopped what he was doing and went to you. "did you work overtime today?" he asked while opening his arms to you. you hugged him and nodded, "yeah, my annoying boss changed the due dates for our project so my team and i were busy finishing the project, sorry for not informing you, my phone was dead cuz i didn't bought my charger," you explained.

he just patted your back while you were explaining to him. "my princess is working hard, make sure to take care of yourself, hmm?" he said, pecking your forehead. you smiled and nodded at his words.

he pulled away from the hug and said, "go and take a bath first, i'm cooking dumpling soup for our dinner." you nodded and went to freshen up yourself after being in your working clothes the whole day.


after changing your clothes, you walked over to the dining table and saw some of your favorite side dishes were placed on the table.

"let's eat," junhyeok said while holding a pot of dumpling soup to the table.

you sat down and took out your phone to take a picture of the meal that your boyfriend made.

"i've been wondering, why are you always taking pictures of the food that i made?" he asked after seating down, looking at you. you look at him and chuckled, "well, gotta show off to my friends."

your words made junhyeok laughed. you brought your phone to him, showing him that you have an album of his food that he made for you.

"that's so sweet of you," he said, looking at your phone, smiling at it. "that's how much i love you," you grinned. "let's eat now, the food is getting cold."

when you both were enjoying the food that he made, you both talked about how your day were going.

needless to say, you ranted to him about your annoying boss, which made him laughed at your grumpy side.

he didn't forget to put some of the food to your plate, reminding you to eat even when you're busy talking crap about your boss.

"plus he kept on giving opinions on our project when he literally said it was perfect last time," you complained before shoving the last piece of the dumpling.

he held himself from smiling at your puffy cheeks and nodded at your words.

"i just hope everything went well for my team's project," you mumbled, feeling anxious about your project. "you guys are going to do great, don't worry, plus you guys are the best team in your company for a reason," he reassured you, caressing your hand.

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