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𝓂𝓎𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸 𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓈
𝗺𝐚𝐲 23𝐫𝐝, 2009

THE doors to the Mystic Fall's Medical Center flew open with a bang, bouncing off the wall from the force. Audrey Gilbert stumbled into the lobby with wide eyes and tear stained cheeks.

The receptionist sitting at the front desk looked up in shock as Audrey smacked her hands down onto the white desk.

"My parents and my sister! They were in a car accident I need to see them! Gilbert. Last name Gilbert! Where are they?" Audrey asked frantically, the poor girl who didn't look like she was a day over 25 stumbled over her words trying to figure out what to say to the distraught girl

"Audrey." Sheriff Liz Forbes, her best friend Caroline's mom and a family friend said as she came up to the girl with teary eyes

"Liz. Are they okay? They wouldn't tell me anything on the phone. Jeremy and Jenna are still at home, they were passed out on the couch I didn't even think to wake them up I just ran out the door." Audrey said as she gripped onto Liz's hand

"Honey I am so so sorry." Liz said shaking her head making Audrey's eyes widen

"No." Audrey shook her head in denial as tears filled her eyes

"We don't know exactly what happened but the car went over Whickery Bridge. Elena is unconscious but ok she's being checked out by the doctors right now, you can see her soon. But you're mom and dad were gone before we got there. I am so sorry Audrey." Liz said feeling her own tears fall over her cheeks as Audrey let out a scream of pain and agony

"No! No! No! This can't- this can't be happening! Please tell me this isn't happening! Please!" Audrey cried as Liz pulled her into her chest holding the girl tightly

"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." Liz sighed as she held onto the Gilbert girl as tight as she could, basically holding her up at this point

That night was the night Audrey Gilbert's life changed forever, she lost her parents two of her favorite people in the world and her twin sister almost died. The pain in her chest was unimaginable and something she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy. This was just the beginning of the downward spiral Audrey was about to have.



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