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This is a third person roleplay I did on Discord.

As Stan walked down the street, his shoes hitting the warm sidewalk as he made his way to Bill's house. The sun shined directly above him, bouncing off his brown hair.
As he walked up the stairs to the Denbrough's porch, He rung the door bell, and took a step back as he dusted off his shirt.

Bill sat on his bed, waiting for Stanley to show up. He had planned this sleepover with him last week, and it was finally time. He was so excited. When Stanley rung his door bell, he rushed downstairs, opening the door with a smile, "Hi, S-St-Stan!" He stuttered out.

"Hey Bill!" Stan responded with a smile. It had been a while since he'd spent the night at bill's house, But he'd always had a good time around Bill, So he was sure he'd have a fine time. "You look nice as always," Stan complimented like usual.

Bill smiled, "Th-thank you, Stan!" He paused for a moment, "Y-you do, too." He said, smiling. He couldn't wait for the fun stuff they'd do while Stan was over, like they had the last time.

"Of course, and thank you" Stan was genuinely exited for whatever they'd do tonight, or the rest of the day. But to be completely fair, As long as he was hanging out with bill, he didn't really mind what they did.

Bill let Stanley inside, motioning him to come up stairs. When Stan followed, they both went into Bill's room. Bill shut the door behind them. He then sat down on the bed, and patted the spot next to him, motioning Stan to sit there.

Stan sat down as asked, looking around bill's room like he always did, then directly back at bill. He waited for Bill to speak, in case he had something he had to say.

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