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     "Thanks," stan said, picking up the sketchbook and a normal pencil. He examined bill's face with his eyes. The curve of his collar bones was subtle, and his lips were slightly smaller. His eyes were round but not too round. Stanley sketched out a basic head and shoulders, then mapping out where his features would go.

Bill picked up the other sketchbook and a normal pencil, aswell. He then started studying Stans features. His pointed ears, and his nose that was definitely on the smaller side. He wanted to make him smile in this picture, and he noticed that Stan had slight dimples on both sides of his smile. He did the same as Stan, sketching out a base, then mapping out features.

Stan started defining the features of Bill on his paper. He'd been divided on the way that the nose looked, it didn't look right. He looked up, but bill had been looking down. He waited for bill to look up, and when he did, he gently stared at Bill's face, lying a blueprint in his mind. he smiled, and looked down.

Bill did the same, defining the features of Stanley on his paper. But it wasn't the nose he was divided on, it was the chin. He had accidentally made it too rounded, and needed to fix it. He looked up, and Stan had already been looked at him. When Stan smiled at him, he smiled back, focused his eyes on Stans chin, and drew exactly what he saw on his portrait.

"You know, your face is very fun to draw. It's different, but in a good way." Stan finished the details of the face, and started to define the hair. Stan looked up, examining his hair line, part, and general shape.

"Th-thank you. Yours is t-too." He said, smiling up at him. He looked back down, and finished the features of Stans faced shortly after Stan had finished his, and then did the hair. He was pretty used to drawing Stans hair, but he looked up every once in a while, to refresh his memory.

As Stan finished the hair, he easily drew his shirt over his shoulders, and went over it before coloring. He looked back up, reviewing everything about the brunette boy placed Infront of him. He double checked the eyes, the mouth, the nose, the jaw, the hair, and the clothes.

Bill did the same as he finished the hair. He kept having to look back to get exactly what Stan was wearing, because he was a silly lil perfectionist. He scanned Stanley; coloring, blending, and shading everything accurately. He then scanned him one last time, and compared it to his art. He thought he did pretty well, and he was ready to show it to Stan.

Stan colored and shaded his picture along with bill, looking up occasionally to review the lighting scenario; the way the light hit his hair and the rim light from the window behind him. He finished up, setting the last colored pencil down, and looked up smiling. "I'm done!" he said, gently.

Bill put all of his supplies back in the case, "I am, too!" He said, not stuttering once. He was very surprised that he didn't stutter. He handed his portrait to Stanley, and waited to be handed Stans.

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