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     Stan colored and shaded his picture along with bill, looking up occasionally to review the lighting scenario; the way the light hit his hair and the rim light from the window behind him. He finished up, setting the last colored pencil down, and looked up smiling. "I'm done!" he said, gently.

Bill put all of his supplies back in the case, "I am, too!" He said, not stuttering once. He was very surprised that he didn't stutter. He handed his portrait to Stanley, and waited to be handed Stans.

Stan handed Bill his drawing with one hand, taking his with the other. As he looked down at it, his mouth opened a bit. The drawing was so good, definitely a bit better then his. "This is so good, Bill!" Stan said.

"Yours i-is, too!! I real-really like the atten-att-attention to detail!" Bill said, smiling up at Stan. He for one, thought that Stanleys was better than his. He loved the painting so much, and he hoped that Stanley would let him keep it. He asked, "Hey St-Stan? You think we co-cou-could rip the pa-pages out and keep them? Li-like you keep mine, and I k-keep yours?"

"Thank you," he responded. As Bill asked if the could keep each others, his eyes sparkled with excitement, as he loved the drawing so much. "Yea! I'll hang it up in my bedroom," Stan said, genuinely.

"I'll h-hang it up here, t-to-too!" He said, getting up to go grab some colorful push pins, and hanging it up above his bed. He loved Stans painting a lot, too. And he was so glad to be able to keep it. When he sat back down, he smiled and hugged Stan, stuttering out a thank you.

"Of course," Stan said, gently rubbing Bills back for a moment as they hugged. "I'm glad you like it." He said, then paused. "What do you wanna do now?" He spoke again, waiting for Bill to respond patiently, looking at Bill's face.

"We cou-could bake cookies? My m-mo-mom just got some in-ingr-ingre-in-" He groaned, then paused for a minute, "ingredients from the store yesterday." He said, frustrated with his stutter. He waited for Stans response, looking at his face aswell.

Stan smiled again, "Sure!" Stan loved to bake and cook, it was one of his hobbies, along with a few other things like drawing. Stanley could already tell that tonight was going to be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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