Chapter 52

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Oliver's POV

I stood still for a few moments, because of the shock of seeing Tyler crying after he explained what happened... now I feel bad for how I acted.

I know he never meant to do it on purpose, Dylan managed to convince me of that, but hearing it from him directly is different. He knows what happened that day, but he still blames himself for it so I knew I had to convince him otherwise, and hopefully make it possible for both of us to leave this behind.

Oliver: Tyler, I want you to listen to me. I'm sure that you've already been told this many times, but what happened was not your fault. Sure you may have let out that roar that affected me, but you were acting out of your instincts that day, and although I admit that I may have hated you a bit after that, nothing happened to me and my wolf because we acted quickly. So stop blaming yourself for it

Everything remained silent after I stopped talking, so in an attempt to comfort him a bit more, I started playing with his hair a little bit while he remained in the same position he's been in after he stopped talking.

But then I thought that it's weird I didn't even hear anything coming from him, so I started trying to make him react.

Oliver: *shakes his shoulder* Tyler... *shakes it again* Tyler.

Just as I was about to shake him for a third time, he fell to the side landing directly to the floor, he was still breathing but he wasn't reacting to anything I did. I kept shaking him hoping it would work, but eventually I accepted it wasn't gonna work, so I quickly stood up and opened the door only to yell as loud as I could for everyone to hear.

Oliver: EVERYONE COME QUICK! SOMETHING HAPPENED! *goes back into the room*

I heard their footsteps going up the stairs as quickly as possible, while another door opened with more people coming to the room. Just as I looked back at the door, Cash, Elena, Mike, Ricky, EJ, Jack and Aurora all looked at us worried, but Aurora was the first to react.

Aurora: MIJO! *quickly kneels down while moving James' body* (I don't know if I wrote it right, but that's a way to shorten "mi hijo" which is "my son" in spanish)

Mike: what happened?! *asks worried*

Oliver: I don't know, Tyler was talking to me about what happened then he got on his knees and began saying he was sorry *explains the rest*

Cash: ok, let's focus on the task at hand, we have to take him to a hospital, because we don't know what's happening to him. Mike, Oliver, EJ, help me by carrying him to the van.

We all nodded and started making our way to the garage with everyone else following us. Mike and Cash took care of his legs, while me and EJ took care of his arms. Meanwhile Aurora had her hands holding his head in place while whispering some things in spanish.

Aurora: van a estar bien James, todo va a estar bien (you're gonna be fine James, everything's gonna be fine) *says looking worried*

Eventually we all got him inside of the van, and began to take different seats, Cash was gonna drive, Mike was in the passenger's seat, EJ, Aurora and I were in the backseat with James laying on top of our legs. Meanwhile Elena got Ricky and Jack in a different car she was gonna drive to follow us.

Elena: *outside of the van* Aurora, I think you better call your family to let them know. At least your husband.

She nodded and began to take out her phone from her purse and quickly called him. While she told him and their family, Cash was quickly maneuvering through the streets to get to the nearest hospital.

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