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During the age of the old Gods and the vikings lived two extraordinary soles

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During the age of the old Gods and the vikings lived two extraordinary soles. Two souls that were written in the stars by the Gods, they were fated. meant to be together and burn as one.

In the Kingdom of Sweden lived King Erik the Just, known for his commendable sense of morality and justice. Queen Rayna, known for her beauty and sharp tongue. The couple was extremely happy they loved each other very dearly. Both Erik and Rayna were both well known and respected warriors. They fought for glory, for themselves, for their people, and for entry into Valhalla.

The King and Queen were very faithful to the Gods and made sure to instill that same level of love and dedication to them into their children. However, unlike many other warriors and kings with many children, Erik and Rayna were only blessed with two, a son Ulf and a daughter, Freya.

Ulf was every bit a warrior. He had long silver hair, just like his mother and sister. But, Ulf was also extremely tall and strong, able to look over everybody with ease. Some might say that he never shows any emotions because he never smiles when that is simply not true, only certain people know the secret of how to make Ulf smile, one of those people is his little sister Freya.

The Queen had great difficulty conceiving Freya and feared that the gods wouldn't give her any more children. It wasn't until she met with the seer that she understood her purpose.

"All those children that you lost.... They were not worthy, the gods have been testing you for a great challenge that will require great difficulty. You must be strong enough to handle what is to come"

The next month the Queen announced that she was with child. When she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl she decided to name her Freya after the goddess as a thank you for the great gift that she had given her. Once Freya was a month old the Queen returned to the seer for some much needed clarity to see if she understood his message.

"Oh Queen Rayna, I see that you are back, and have a Princess no less." The Queen stayed still not wanting to give anything away to the wise one.  "What is it that you have come to ask?" She took a moment mustering up the strength to ask him the question.

"Why? Why was she given to me after so much loss?" The seer began to laugh tilting his head back at the queen's question, oh only if she knew.

"Her fate is and has already been written in the stars by the gods. As she grows into a beautiful woman she will become everything that you and your husband have prayed for. Her name will be known throughout the world and last throughout all of time. She will be known as the most beautiful woman to have ever walked the earth. The most desirable to all men, but also the most unattainable, not just through her sword, for the gods have already tied her sole to another. Their love story will spread throughout the world for ages to come. All women shall envy her. All men shall want her. But, she shall only have eyes for one. The one who takes the princess with a shield to his home shall not only make her a queen, but together they'll become king and queen of all Norway." Wanting to know everything about her daughter's imminent fate she asked the wise one more questions.

"Who is this man? How do I prepare her?" The queen was clearly nervous for her child's iminent future and attempted to ask the seer as many questions as possible. But, before she could continue he cut her off and began to speak.

"This man shall challenge her as she shall challenge him. When he first meets her he will know she is important. Only with time will he discover the depth of how important she really is, and once he does she'll be the luckiest woman alive. For no woman will be given another man's heart so completely. The children that she shall give him will start a dynasty that will go on for thousands of years. To get her to this you must make sure that she keeps the gods close to her and always in her heart, and ensure that young Freya becomes every bit as beautiful and fierce as the shieldmaiden that she is designed to be." The queen looked at the seer's face looking for some type of reassurance, but she knew that the wise one was done with her when she saw him lay the palm of his hand out for her to lick and exit his hut. As the queen left the seer's hut all she could keep thinking of  was the man the gods had in store for her daughter and the future that awaited her. Was she up for it?

Once the queen arrived back home the first person to greet her was her 7 year old son Ulf. He came up to his mother, embracing her around her waist looking up at her. Even at the age of 7 Ulf was always a tall and big boy, he just kept growing and growing. Her and her husband often wondered of the kind of warrior that he would one day become.

"Mama you're back!" the young boy said excitedly.

"I am my sweet boy, now tell me how's your sister." Ulf just smiled from ear to ear looking up at his mother with so much love and admiration. He stepped out of their embrace and grabbed her hand directing her from the great hall to the room that his little sister was sleeping in.

"Awe look at her, isn't she so peaceful?" Rayna said in reference to her sleeping baby. Ulf just looked down at his baby sister and smiled.

"Papa made me promise." his mother turned her head now directing her attention toward her older child.

"What did he say, my love?"

"He said that as a big brother it is my duty and my responsibility to protect her with my life till mine ends. If not I'm no man and am not worthy to be a father or wear any crown even that of a fool's." Ulf said this with no smile at this his face looked so much like his father's looking into the wide open abyss with a stoic expression on his face. After hearing her son's words she leaned down and kissed his forehead and said

"I'm so proud of you at just 7 years old you've already learned more than most men learn in their whole lives."

After looking at baby Freya for a little bit Ulf decided that it was time to go to bed and his mother followed right behind him to make her way to her bed chamber. Once she had changed into her night slip and tucked herself under the covers she heard the door open, it was her husband Erik. He removed his boots and then began to disrobe and join his wife below the covers. Once he was comfortable he began to pull her toward him so that she could feel his breath on the back of her neck.

"What took you so long you're usually in here before I even have time to make my way under the covers." she said to her husband

"I was busy saying goodnight to my daughter." At this Rayna couldn't help but let out a slight giggle. Yes, he was an attentive father with Ulf all throughout his life. But, this child was different; she had the ability to make everyone want to be around her and to spend hours looking into her big green eyes. From the moment she was born she had not only changed all of their lives but it had seemed since Freya's birth the kingdom had entered a second era of peace.

As she would grow and get older her personality would begin to show through. She would become stubborn like her mother and defiant like her father. She would train for hours at a time with private teachers training her to become a formidable shieldmaiden. Her mother, father and brother would spar with her when they were free but that would make her want to train even harder hoping to eventually beat them.

As the princess got older and grew so did her heart she would give the cloak on her back, much to her mother's annoyance to help someone in need. Or just sit with someone who was upset and hold their hand, just listening hoping that they would eventually feel better.

But, with that kind heart also came a girl who knew how to laugh with the quickest witt and sass that could give all the gods a run for their money. She always knew what to save whether it was a smart comeback or just something to make someone feel better. In her family's eyes and all of Sweden she was perfect. But, with this sense of peace the queen began to worry for how long it would last until her family and Freya would be ripped from her.


Hey everyone this's Elle, please let know what you guys think of this story and of what you guys think. I look forward to herring your feedback


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