Chapter 5

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Kattegat, Norway

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Kattegat, Norway

The Swedes have now been in Kattegat for a little over a week and have yet to speak to King Ragnar. For some reason, King Ragnar always seemed to be missing. Ulf took this as the highest insult and sign of disrespect. He almost went on a murder spree of the local people of Kattegat just to prove a point. He was a King of one entire united nation, not just one kingdom. The only thing that seemed to subdue his anger was his sister's various attempts to either distract him or calm him down. She was almost always successful. Thankfully for the people of Kattegat he hadn't murdered anyone yet. This was because despite his almost constant state of rage Ulf feared his sister and her wrath if he was not on his best behavior. Most people didn't realize this, he was only one of the few people that knew aside from their mother, that there were two sides to Freya. Most of the time she was kind, sweet, and her usual funny smart mouth self. But the rest of the time when she wasn't 'that Freya' she was like a literal Valkyrie. Fitting given her name, but Freya had this ability when she was mad she would just get violent. More often than not if you had the unfortunate chance to meet that version of the Swedish princess she would mess with your head till you were doubting your every life choice. While she played her little mind games she would hardly pay any attention to the person she was mad at. So that they would come crawling to her and fall right into her trap. Ulf knew how her mind worked and because of this he mostly stayed to either training, drinking, or laying with a few more women before they inevitably would leave.

Ulf was on the beach of Kattegat training when he sensed a presence behind him. Freya had come unarmed. Ulf turned around, starting to spar with her like it was nothing new. Freya did a front flip, moving in the air above his head then landing right behind him. She then proceeded to casually walk around him as he tried to attack her. Her dodging every time. What the pair of siblings didn't realize was the immense crowd that had formed around them to witness the infamous King of the Swedes and the notorious Swedish princess. Seeing the crowd gather around the beach Harald and Halfdan decided to see what everyone was suddenly so intrigued by.

"Kattegat, never a dull moment." said Harald as he ushered his brother in the direction of all the commotion. Only once they made it to the thing that no one could take their eyes off of they couldn't believe it. It was Freya! Freya was down on the beach with her mad brother, unarmed with little concern for her own well being as he lunged his sword at her time after time. Instant anger filled Harald "Is she a damn fool? We haven't even left Kattegat yet and she's trying to get herself killed!" As Harald spewed his anger at the thought of his soul mate in a dangerous situation, Halfdan turned his attention from the fight to his brother, with a wide as earth grin painted across his face.

"Oh you got it bad." he said then chuckled to himself. Harald didn't seem amused.

"I should go down there and help her at least hand her some type of weapon that she can use to defend herself." he said flustered. At his words Halfdan put a reassuring arm around his shoulder and said

"Don't worry brother, she knows what she's doing. He's her brother, he won't hurt her. And if you even think of intervening you will have blown any possible chance that you might have with her." he continued as both brother's stared down not taking their eyes off the fight. "By intervening you'll not only be embarrassing her. But insulting her as well. You'll be saying that she can't handle herself when from the looks of it she's doing pretty good all of her own." Taking a deep breath Harald allowed Halfdan's words to sink in. As he refocused his eyes on the fight he didn't even notice or care that not only had Floki and Helga come to watch the fight, but so had Bjorn Ironside and his father King Ragnar Lothbrok. No one could believe that she was fighting that lunatic with no weapon. He would swing his sword then the next thing you'd know she'd be gone. Either moving to the side or doing some type of flip in the air to get to the opposite end of her brother. As the fight got drawn out it became clear that this was all a game to her. She was playing him. She was tiring him out and provoking him to swing harder and more aggressively. Eventually it seemed that Freya seemed to be getting bored of the back and forth of this fight with her brother so it was time to end it. So, moving effortlessly in the air she managed to get close enough to him. Hitting all of his pressure points till he fell to the ground. Everyone around couldn't believe it the small little girl took down the murderous and violent King of the Swedes. There were slight whispers about what had just happened. Some were fearful that the Swedish king might retaliate against his sister or one of them due to his recent defeat. Instead, only mere minutes later the King of the Swedes rolled over so that he was now laying on his back staring up into the clouds above, and let out the loudest boisterous laugh the people of Kattegat had ever heard. Some questioned if they were hearing things because few hadn't even seen the King of Sweden so much as smile now he was laughing like his heart was going to stop at any minute. Now that the fight was over people started to back away and go back to their day to day tasks. Freya was hoping to enjoy a nice walk, until someone stood in front of her blocking her path. Freya looked up at him and gave him her best not impressed face.

"Can I help you?" she asked the stranger, still not knowing who he was. Although they might be royalty and had been in Kattegat for a little over a week now they were Swedish and by nature a Swede doesn't trust easily and prefer to stick to themselves with their own people. Although Freya had no real problem with the people of Kattegat she was forced by her mother to watch her brother like a hawk. To make sure he didn't do anything stupid to piss anyone off. The last thing they needed was an incident.

He looked her up and down clearly impressed with what he saw before him. "Now how come we haven't had the chance to meet? The rumors should give you more credit, princess, he said. As she nodded her head in thanks. "I'm Bjorn Ironside, I'm King Ragnar Lothbrok's oldest son." He said looking into her eyes clearly trying to impress her. Little did either one of them know Harald and Halfdan were not only watching but they could hear the entire exchange.

When he said nothing else, she began to laugh and then said "Is that supposed to impress me?" She asked him. This was new for him; usually women were ready to fall at his feet but she wasn't. She seemed to be immune to his charms. After it was clear he wasn't going to say anything else, she began to walk away towards the woods.

Harald saw her walking away and decided to follow her. Her and him had already been friendly, so what was the worst that could happen.

Hey everyone this's Elle, please let know what you guys think of this story and of what you guys think. I look forward to herring your feedback. Exciting chapter, our love birds will soon be able to have some one on one time together.


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