I love that you love that I love you

644 8 54

MOSTLY Third person POV ( mainly following Noah and Cody) 


There may or may not be some sexual interactions, okay there is. But it's not bad bad.

Noah (Third person)

Noah stepped out of his room sad and depressed, he looked as if he had died and came back to life like five times. All he could think about was Cody, it was just Cody, Cody, Cody. He couldn't get over how it all started and ended so soon. What did he do wrong, well he knew what he did wrong but he did not want to admit that that was the reasons they broke up.

Noah slowly opened up his phone to a text from Cody. It read:

Cody: hey Noah, want to meet me at the coffee shop downtown?

Noah: sure I don't see why not

Cody: ok good

Noah was eager to see Cody in person again, he hadn't seen him since he moved out. It was a sad day for Noah and Cody since the whole time they spent moving out was them being silent to each other not talking at all.

Noah opened his phone again and read what time he had to go. 9:30. It was already 9:15 so he packed his bag and hoped in his car.

Cody (Third person)

Cody sat at one of the tables and sighed, he was late. After a while Cody saw Noah at the door panting. Noah went to go sit down with Cody, but instead he just fell.

"Noah! Are you okay?" Cody asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks. Just a little tired." Noah replied

"You're late you know." Cody explained

"Yeah, sorry. There was this weird girl that I thought I recognized, she kept trying to talk to me." 

"Okay? anyways, lets get a coffee. I was thinking maybe we could hang out today." Cody asked.

Cody could tell that Noah was slightly blushing.

"sure, I don't see why not?" Noah said before getting up to get his coffee.

Cody sat down and waited for Noah to come back. He knew that Noah knew his favorite. A extra sweet caramel macchiato.

Noah came back with Cody's and his drink.

"Were should we go next?" Noah asked.

"I don't know, maybe we could go to the new candy shop in town?"

"Okay, but I'm not gonna get anything so knock yourself out kid." Noah replied.

"Kid? When is your birthday?" Cody asked.

"Um, June 12th. why?"

 "OHHHH, MY BIRTHDAY IS APRIL 1ST. I'M OLDER!!!" Cody yelled but not loud enough for the whole coffee shop to hear.

"No. your still younger than me. I was born June 12th, 1990. You were born April 1st, 1991."

"Oh. Wait? Does that mean you were 17 when you joined Total Drama?"

"Well not really. I was sixteen but my birthday was during the show so I turned 17 before anyone else did, You on the other hand were 15 but turned 16 in April so you were 16 throughout the show. But I was 17. Like when I was in Ridonculous Race, I was 18."

"OH. That makes a lot more sense."

Yes, I looked up Noah's birthday on the Total Drama Wiki. And I liked having to write Noah explaining it all to Cody. I came up with it myself. 

Cody waited till Noah finished his drink, and they headed out.

Time skip because I'm to lazy to write whatever the fuck they did.

Noah ( Third person)

After Cody and him got done at the zoo, Noah decided he was gonna head out.

"Hey Cody, I'm gonna head out. You can come with me if you want." He said.

"Sure I'll come id you don't mind my presence." Cody replied.

Noah got in his car and Cody sat right next to him, Cody had walked to the coffee shop so he didn't have to worry about his car or anything like that.

Once they got in his house, Cody fell on the couch. Noah went and sat right next to him. It all got very awkward and silent, until Noah had to break it.

"Cody, I know I've said this like a thousand times but I truly am sorry."

"Noah, I know you are."

"I'm sorry I made you feel like you had to look out for me. I should maybe tell you why some times I get all worked up.

He tells Cody everything I told you all in the chapter 'why am I here?'

Cody (First person)

I look at Noah in shock. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry.

"No, I'm sorry."

I laugh a little. He always says he's sorry when it's not his fault. I look at him blankly and he looks at me. I want to kiss him so bad. But before I can do anything he dives in for a kiss.

He slides his hand from my back to my waste, his other hand softly stroking my hair. I let out a small moan. He laughs in the kiss. I get so distracted that I suddenly part my lips and his tongue slips inside. I push him over and shove him against the couch. I'm getting hard and we both know it. He takes off my shirt and I slip his off too. Soon were making out with only our boxers.

"Cody, I love you." He says and I cant help but smile.

"I love you too Noah." 

WOW, okay so that wasn't even that bad and I still got uncomfy writing it.

Hope you all liked it and hope y'all have a great Easter if you celebrate. If you don't then have a wonderful day. 

900 words, Yay

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