For Gods Sake Peter, you need to sleep (Part 1)

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It was 2:30 in the afternoon, and Peter had been in the intern labs since 7:00 the previous evening. At this point in time all he had eaten for the last 18 hours has been an entire box of cheerio's (the ones littering the floor around his desk indicate he isn't very good at catching them in his mouth) and about 7 cans of Red Bull despite being on a strict no-fizzy-drinks-'I-mean-it-Peter-you-will-die-if-you-keep-it-up'-diet.

As the previous song blasting through his headphones finishes and the next one starts, he stretches his back on the chair creating cracks that could probably be heard from the penthouse.

Staying up for this long would make anyone sleep deprived- especially a spider who gets cranky on less that 11 hours of sleep- which explains why he hasn't even realised that it's Friday yet and he's supposed to be god knows where on a field tip right now.

He had been dreading the field trip all week, which wasn't a surprise to anyone considering how his previous ones have gone. Getting bitten by a radioactive spider; your friends almost falling to their deaths; being on your way to an art gallery and ending up in space; and fighting a bunch of elemental monsters which didn't even turn out to be real, doesn't really inspire much confidence in the whole concept.

Oh well. For now he's in ignorant bliss working on some coding for the new Stark phone and so deep in the realms of severe sleep deprivation that someone could probably smash cymbals together right next to his ear and he wouldn't even notice. A fact proven by the fact that his phone has been furiously buzzing on his desk all morning without him noticing.

It's probably nothing.



This day is going to be a disaster. I mean every day is a disaster when your best friend is Peter Stark. For being a superhero who's main fighting style involves parkour, he's surprisingly clumsy.

And forgetful.

The surprise school trip is today and guess who forgot and is (knowing Peter) probably still in the labs working on something or another despite being told multiple times to "GO TO BED" by various members of his weird superhero family (and MJ and Pepper who are untimely more scary than all of them).

This wouldn't usually be a problem except Peter and Ned's whole science class is currently about to enter the labs on their school trip to AVENGERS FUCKING TOWER! HOW DOES PETER HAVE THE WORST LUCK EVER!!!

MJ's been laughing since the class found out this morning (it is pretty funny if you think about it) but now are 2 are just nervous for the shit shows that's about to happen as the class is on their way to the labs- in their defence they've been texting Peter all morning to try and warn him to go hide somewhere whilst the tour is happening, but as usual he "never answers his fucking phone!"

As the class rounds the corner to the labs, Flash makes a joke about how "It's ok Parker is missing this because he must see the intern labs all the time because he works here! Right Leeds?" Before laughing to himself.

Ned just chuckles nervously praying to every God he can think off that Peter saw his messages and is hiding upstairs in the penthouse.

They round the corner.

And he instantly spots brown curly hair.

Peter has his back to the door and is writing something on a whiteboard that takes up 50% of the wall.

And he has his headphones on.

So does not here the class enter the room.

This day is not going to go well.

Peter Parker being a moron (spiderson crack <3)Where stories live. Discover now