First Date

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Between killing children and gathering stuff for the potions y/n and Sarah haven't been on a real date yet. "What could I do to please her?" Maybe Mary and Winnie could help me they've known her longer.
Y/n just loves to watch Sarah dance and tries to hide the laughter when Winnie yells at Sarah to shut up. Sarah hugs y/n whispering "later I have something to show you"
Sarah smiles

 Sarah hugs y/n whispering "later I have something to show you" Oh?Sarah smiles

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Mary suggests:
Sarah likes anything romantic. Take her dancing, she doesn't eat much so maybe cook something here. Maybe some left over child? "Uhhhhh" y/n forgets that they actually eat the bodies like a roast. Thanks Mary. Y/n twiddles her thumbs thinking hmmmm that's a good idea, there's a dance on at townhall tonight I'll take her there.
"Oh, Sarah loves daisies"
Y/n smiles, but where can I get daisies at this hour?
Ask Winnie.

Winifred suggests:
Frolic under the stars, Sarah likes that. She use to do that to lure boys when she was a teenager. "Haha, she did this thing once. This boy she liked was the local priests son. She made him fall madly in love I tell you. When he disappeared of course it was Sarah but no proof no crime"
Sounds funny, so you think she'd like that?
Ok thanks Winnie y/n rubs Winifred's shoulder "oh by the way Mary said you could help me with daisies? For Sarah.
"I guess so follow me" Winifred motions y/n to follow her over to book. "Ah here, a simple magic trick even you can do"
I can't read Latin Winnie "just read it"
Y/n chants the spell and a bouquet of daisies appear "see simple"
But a bunch more appear. " oh no"
"Ugh just go I'll reverse it"
Sorry Winnie I told you I can't read Latin.
"You said it right you just emphasised too much on the daisy"
Sorry y/n says again and skips towards the stairs.
"Sarah?" Y/n calls Sarah darling i was wondering if you maybe uh... wanted to come dancing with me?
"Like a date?" Sarah smirks
Yes, a date. You and your sisters already lured children, had dinner so how about it? Y/n smiles nervously. "Sure I'd love to, I do like to dance"
Y/n smiles taking Sarah's hands in hers twirling her around. "I'll go brush my hair" Sarah runs upstairs "yay" y/n smiles.

The way her cape flys behind her makes y/n smile, seeing her hair flap. When Sarah runs back downstairs y/n hands Sarah the bouquet "aw thank you spider"
Sarah puts the daisies in a vase.

The date:
Come on Sarah you look fine, y/n places her hands on Sarah's shoulders.
"help me? Tie the strap"
Y/n blushes, "yes of course" moving Sarah's hair pulling on the straps. "Tighter"
Are you sure you can breathe?
"Yes tighter"
Y/n pulls the straps tighter tying it up. "There" y/n kisses Sarah in the neck. "Stop that" Sarah giggles. "Let's go" y/n says holding Sarah's hand walking downstairs to see Winifredwith her arms folded. "Make sure you're both home before sunrise"
Yes Winnie
Hand in hand you walk out of the cottage across the field, up,the hill, past the cemetery and down towards townhall. "Ohhh we are going dancing?"
Yes, I want to see you dance without getting into trouble I see how much you like to dance my darling. "Thank you my spider"
"She smells so good"Ohhhh my god y/n feels her breath quicken. "Spider?"
Yes? Y/n realises she was staring into Sarah's eyes.
"Sarah dances around y/n come on let's go inside" Sarah grabs y/n by the hand and they run inside. Picking a nice spot to dance y/n right in the centre of course. "Y/n I love this music"
Sarah puts her arms around y/n's waist, y/n places her arms around Sarah's shoulders. Swaying to the music, until a slow song comes on. "Ohhh I love this song Sarah"
Y/n leans in kissing Sarah. "Soft lips that taste like strawberry "

Sarah spins y/n around holding y/n to her chest "hey watch where you put your hands" y/n giggles

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Sarah spins y/n around holding y/n to her chest "hey watch where you put your hands" y/n giggles. " Sarah whispers in y/n's ear, "Oh what if I do this? Sarah moves her hands up and down y/n's hips, down her legs and back up,to her waist. swaying and kissing y/n's neck. "Ohh my stop it, wait till we get home you tease"
Y/n looks up at Sarah while Sarah moves her hands towards y/n's hands holding them close. Sarah giggles and pinches y/n on the bum. " hey" y/n squeals. Sarah gives y/n a thirsty look, biting her lip.
Man do I love Sarah's giggle y/n thinks. "Oooooh look at the lights" Sarah pulls y/n closer to her and points to the strobe lights.
"They are amazing aren't they? Hey they have karaoke want to sing?"
"Oooh bewitch them?"
"They already are, look how they stare at you" Sarah looks around "ohh they are staring, let them"
Sarah pulls y/n closer and kisses her. Massaging her tongue with y/n's. "Mine" y/n bites Sarah's lip softly "ooh I like that"
"More later my love, come on we have to sign our names for karaoke. You know I can't sing for shit right?"
"You sing fine"
You are a siren easy for you to say y/n smiles. "Ohhh come on it's for fun"
"I know Sarah, what are you going to sing?"
"Come little children of course, what about you?"
Uhhhhh, I don't know I think I'll sing top of the world by the carpenters. I'm no Karen Carpenter but I like that song.
Y/n and Sarah sign up for karaoke and dance around while people sing. "Sarah" the DJ calls "go on my love"
Sarah climbs onto the stage and stands in front of the microphone "she starts singing in that soft sweet voice moving seductively as she sings"

Woah how beautiful is she? A man says basically drooling. " she's my girlfriend man back off" y/n snarls. "Shes with you? Hahah"
Yes she is y/n smiles as Sarah finishes singing. "Woo hoo" y/n yells out, helping Sarah off the stage. "Amazing my love"
Hey Blondie you're really with her?
"Yes" Sarah kisses y/n and the man walks away. "Y/n?"
"Your turn spider" y/n steps on the stage and starts singing. "You suck"
Sarah walks over to the guy grabbing him by the scruff "if you dare insult my spider again I will eat your soul"
"Sure you will"
The man walks off and y/n finishes "yay spider" y/n steps off the stage into Sarah's arms "lets go dance under the stars, race you"
Sarah runs out of town hall and y/n follows giggling. "Sarah wait up" Sarah runs towards the river by the cottage. Swim with me spider. "Swim?"
Sarah tears y/n's dress off. "Help me take my dress off"
Y/n undoes the straps of Sarah's corset and let's the corset fall to the ground. Sarah spins around letting the rest of her dress drop to the floor. "Omg, I've seen her naked before why is this different?"
"Come on spider" Sarah runs and jumps into the river y/n follows. Y/n splashes Sarah and Sarah splashes back giggling. "Oh my spider" Sarah swamps closer to y/n embracing and kissing in the water under the moonlight. "Oh sarah, this is beautiful "
"This is by far the most romantic thing ever" y/n thinks.
Sarah floats on her back and y/n copies holding her hand. "Spider you know I come here when I feel sad? When Winnie slaps me? I come here. I love watching the sunrise, but we should go because it's nearly sunrise"
"Already? I didn't realise it was so late Sarah. We should go otherwise Winnie will be mad"
Sarah swims to the river bank and climbs out putting her dress back on. Y/n does the same "here allow me"
"No it's ok I'll sleep naked tonight because I'm all wet"
"Oh yeah you are" y/n blushes "spider, I believe you're turning red"
I am not y/n blushes harder. "Are too"
Sarah and y/n link arms and walk to the cottage soaking wet. The door opens before y/n and Sarah arrive. Winifred tosses a towel at Sarah. "Come on inside now you two"
Y/n and Sarah walk inside and dry off by the fire hanging up their wet clothes. "Let's go to bed, I need to thank you for today"

 "Let's go to bed, I need to thank you for today"

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You know what's next Sarah spiders 😉

Sarah Sanderson one shots x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now