I am alive

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Salem 300 years later 1993
"Oh how are you still alive y/n?" A child asks "simple I eat nosy children like you that ask too many questions"
Ahhhhh the child runs off y/n laughs "hahaha, just wait till tonight brat I will eat you"
Y/n runs her fingers through her long brown hair and puts her costume on.

Tying her hair up in a bun

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Tying her hair up in a bun.... "Perfect " Book? Shall we cause chaos?
Book shakes
Y/n looks to the candle "sigh" y/n walks out the door and heads to townhall. "Hey witch hahaha, nice costume"
I am a vampire tonight man...... y/n chants under her breath and the kids are in a trance y/n pulls a potion out of a hidden pocket. Forcing the potion down their throats, sucking their life force. "Ahhhh"
Y/n walks off satisfied leaving their dead bodies to lay there. People will think they are a prop.

Y/n feels sombre for a moment. Will she still love me? Or remember me? I've been living at the cottage for the last 300 years, guarding book and hoping someone lights the candle. "I need her back"

Meanwhile back at the house:
"Oh come on it's just a bunch of hocus pocus" max shrugs his shoulders and scoffs.
Max I'm not kidding this time, it's time to go. Max lights the candle "max no"
The candle flame lights black and the ground shakes. The door flys open moments later, Winifred laughs "we are home, sweet revenge"
"Oh sister it looks like y/n is still living here"
Impossible Mary she would've died centuries ago Winifred says looking at Sarah who looks sad. "Maybe she has a descendent you can date"
Sarah sobs and cuddles Mary. "Oh Sarah, cheer up we are alive, now let's make the potion"
Sarah forgot how careless Winifred can be. Where is my lucky rat tail? Sarah remembers "oh I gave it to y/n.
"Winnie I smell children"
"Marvellous" Winifred smiles.
Sick 'em.
Come little children I'll take thee away... Winifred covers Sarah's mouth.
Mary bangs on the counter and Dani pops up "I thought thoud never come sisters."
Tell me dumpling what year is it?
Ah sisters we have been gone 300 years.
The sisters dance around and Dani tries to run. Mary and Sarah grab her and max pops up "hey"
Let go of my little sister.
Winifred zaps max with her lightning
Sarah laughs and Mary holds Dani as Winifred continues electrocuting max. A woman pops out of nowhere hitting Mary with the cast iron pan. Dani hits Winifred with her candy bag "leave my brother alone"
Winifred grabs Dani but a black cat jumps on her shoulders. Dani and Alison runs out the door, max climbs up to the second floor "hey, you have messed with the great and powerful max. Now must suffer the consequences. I summon the burning rain of death"
Huh? The sisters say staring up at max.
Max pulls out the lighter and sets off the sprinkler. The sisters freak out and head under the shelter. Max jumps down and slips. "Nice going max" the black cat says "you can talk?"
Duh, get the book "now" Binx wacks max. Max gets up and steals book
"No my book" Winifred screams. Mary and Sarah hold her back so she doesn't walk into the burning rain of death.

Back at townhall
Who hoo someone yells out shooting cap guns in the air "whoo"
Y/n dances and orders another drink. Y/n watches as people walk in town hall. The band dressed as skeletons starts singing witchcraft.
Y/n has had quite a few drinks by now her attention is brought to the stage a boy has interrupted the band. "Hey can I have your attention? Your children are in danger".
Haha y/n laughs oh yeah sure fear me she thinks.
"300 years ago the Sanderson Sisters were hung but they are back. I know this sounds dumb, but they are here tonight. They are right over there"
Max points and a spotlight shines on three women standing in the middle of the room.
Y/n laughs "yeah sure"
Y/n walks to the bar and orders a drink. The women start singing. "Wait is that really Winifred? Sounds like her?"
Y/n leaves her drink and walks over to the stage seeing that it is in fact the sisters "Omg, and they are enchanting the town"
Y/n walks to the front of the stage as they finish the song. "Dance, dance until you die"
Y/n follows "Winifred? Sarah? Mary? Is that you?"
Y/n? Sarah smiles walking closer "Sarah?" Y/n holds up her hand revealing the rat tail. "My rat tail it is you"
Sarah hugs y/n kissing her y/n wraps her arms around Sarah kissing her "oh my Sarah my Sarah"
Hello Winifred and Mary nice to see you, who lit the candle? "That boy did, he stole the book"
"Oh no, well they most likely went to the school, but I have a potion in my pocket"
"Here Winnie"
Ah good, let's find a child
Best bet would be outside the school kids egg the school and regret it in the morning. People snitch. "Ah let's go"
Y/n holds Sarah's arm the whole night. "Winnie, over there" y/n points to a child. Winifred and her sisters walk over to the child but the child tries to run. Mary grabs him and Winifred shoves the potion down his throat and they suck his life force. "Ahhhhh, now my book"
Sarah, I missed you so much y/n hugs Sarah tight kissing her again "your outfit is weird what are you?"
"I am dressed as a vampire, I was a witch last year. Haha"
"Ugh, costume?" Winifred grunts. "Yes it's a disguise, halloween has become a night of frolic where people wear costumes and run amok"
Amok? Haha Sarah laughs and jumps around amok amok amok. "Ugh" Winifred grunts.
"Oh how I missed you Sarah"
And I missed you my spider.

Sarah Sanderson one shots x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now