This is for you my Sarah Sanderson simps, little scenarios of y/n and Sarah Sanderson. For those of you who simp for the youngest Sanderson. Happy reading little spiders.
"Winnie enough" Sarah screams out. "You are useless girl" Winifred drags Sarah by the ear. Y/n hates to see Sarah being pulled around like that but she won't dare stand between Winnie and Sarah. Instead she'll distract Winifred. " Winnie, is this the book?" Y/n holds up an old book. "Ugh No you idiot" Winifred let's Sarah's ear go, shoving her aside. Sarah rubs her ear and sobs " "Come here Sarah" y/n walks over to Sarah who standing behind the ladder. Y/n wraps her arms around Sarah cradling Sarah's head rubbing her ear. "Its ok Sarah" come sit with me y/n walks Sarah to the couch and puts a blanket over her shoulders. Y/n rubs Sarah's shoulders and caresses her ear lobe. "Mmmmm that's nice spider" "it's ok Sarah you're not stupid or useless. I have an idea let's go collect ingredients for Winnie, that way she can calm down and you and I can spend time together. What do you say?" "I like that idea but can you ask her? She'll just hit me again " "Yes" "Winnie? Is there any ingredients you want us to collect?" Hm, Winifred places her hand on her chin "I need, newts, fireflies, bat eyes.... Oh maybe basil, go on" Winifred waves her hand in the shoo shoo motion. "Come on Sarah, Winnie needs bat eyes, fireflies, newts and uhhhh... what was it? "Basil" Yes basil. Y/n knows that Sarah likes to collect things when she's sad "lets go" Sarah grabs y/n's hand skipping out the door. "Where are going to find newts?" " In the river over here, I see one" Sarah bites her lip when she's concentrating "how hot that looks"
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Sarah jumps at the newt "got it" Sarah puts it in her pocket. "You know it drives me crazy when you bite your lip like that" Oh does it spider? Sarah bites her lip again, y/n wraps her arms around Sarah's waist and pulls her closer "yes, it does my Sarah" y/n leans in kissing Sarah softly biting her lip "mmmm spider" "Bats?" Hm? What about the bats? "Ohh yes, this way my spider" Sarah takes y/n to an old cave "shhhh, you stand here and when a bat flys out grab it" Sarah crawls into the cave and two bats fly out y/n grabs them both. "Sarah hurry, these things are going to get away" Sarah pops her head out and grabs the two bats squeezing them until they stop breathing. "Ugh gross Sarah" "What? We can't have them alive, what else was it?" "Basil and fireflies" "I don't have a jar oh no" "I do" y/n pulls a jar out of her little purse, here you go Sarah. "Thanks spider" Sarah takes the jar and crawls down near the river " gotcha" Sarah gets a few fireflies in the jar "perfect" Hold this while I get the basil. Y/n smiles as she sees Sarah is happy now. "Good" Sarah and y/n skip back to the cottage opening the door "Ah perfect timing" Winifred smiles. Sarah hands Winifred the bats and she takes them to the table using a spoon to scoop out the eyes. "Ugh gross" Sarah places the rest of the things on the table and takes y/n's hand swaying with her. "My spider, thank you" You're welcome my Sarah. "Ohhh a spider"
Agh y/n moves away from Sarah standing near Winifred "come here little spider" Sarah grabs the spider and eats it. "Ugh" y/n and Winifred look at each other with a look of disgust. Chuckling at each other's face of disgust. "What?" Sarah looks at her sister and y/n confused. Y/n shakes her head oh Sarah.
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