You are a child

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"No don't drink that" Sarah yells from the cauldron. Too late y/n sipped from a soft drink (soda) bottle in the fridge.
"Wh..."  y/n swallows the mouthful "oh dear, WINIFRED SISTER " Mary calls out, seeing y/n transform in front of her eyes.
"What did I do?" Y/n speaks but their voice changed. "What happened? Why do I sound that way?"
"What is it Sarah? Who's the child?" Winifred smiles down at y/n.
"How did you get so tall?" Y/n stares up at Winifred.
"Sister it's y/n she drank from the potion" Sarah has her arm around y/n hugging her close.
"I told you to label it Mary, ugh" Winifred grunts turning to Mary and Sarah.
"How long will I be like this? I can't be a child again" y/n folds her arms
Winifred chuckles, "oh aren't you adorable? Cute enough to eat"

 "How long will I be like this? I can't be a child again" y/n folds her armsWinifred chuckles, "oh aren't you adorable? Cute enough to eat"

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"Winnie, no. No eating my... uh girlfriend in her child form." Sarah grunts.
"Oh sister, that sounds weird" Winifred places her finger on her left  temple.

"I only had a mouthful, please tell me this isn't permanent?" Y/n pouts. "Oh Winifred is right you are cute" Sarah smiles kneeling down to level with y/n.
Y/n smiles up at her very tall girlfriend Sarah, who's still taller even though Sarah is on her knees.
"tall " y/n points. "Oh dear it seems her child state is 4 or so?" Mary says placing her hand on y/n's shoulder.

"Appears so sister dear, come with me y/n" Winifred holds her hand out and y/n walks with Winifred to the wooden chair

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"Appears so sister dear, come with me y/n" Winifred holds her hand out and y/n walks with Winifred to the wooden chair. "Ooh big black bowl" y/n points to the cauldron.
"Do you remember us y/n?" Winifred asks child y/n lifting her to sit in the chair.
"Who's y/n?"
"Hmmm, this potion is making y/n regress, too much of the potion will be fatal for the consumer. Sister get the potion from the fridge"
"Yes Winnie" Sarah runs to the fridge and grabs the potion, walking over to Winifred handing her the potion. "Ah I see sister, the potion requires a few drops at most, get the labels. We can't allow this to happen again"
Mary writes on the label "how many drops? Per child"
"Try three" Winifred suggests. "3 per child?"
"Come play with me y/n while my sisters find a potion"
Y/n takes Sarah's hands jumping off the chair and Sarah skips around with y/n "I am tired" y/n says stopping mid twirl. "Come here" Sarah picks up y/n and dances giggling. "Sarah, I have the reversal potion" Winifred waves to Sarah and y/n.
Sarah walks over to Winifred with y/n in her arms "this will make you feel better"
Winifred smiles and holds a small cup to y/n's mouth "Ew that smells"
"It'll help, I promise" Winifred smiles. "It's ok my little spider, drink it"
Y/n scrunches her nose and sips the liquid "ewwwww what is that?" Y/n gags Sarah and Mary laugh "hahaha, what was it Winnie?"
"Cough syrup" Winifred giggles "perfect for a child. I mean who likes cough syrup? It's potent and gross"

Aw my spider you'll feel better soon, Sarah strokes y/n's head gently rocking her

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Aw my spider you'll feel better soon, Sarah strokes y/n's head gently rocking her. Y/n cuddles up into Sarah resting her head in the nape of her neck, falling asleep.

"Uhhh Winnie, will she turn back soon?"
"2-4 hours like the bottle says"
"The bottle talks?" Sarah stares at the bottle closely.
"No you idiot, it's written on the bottle" Winifred shakes her head.
"Ohhhhhh" Sarah smiles.
"Oh Sarah" Mary laughs and follows Sarah upstairs. Sarah places y/n in her bed and covers her, kissing her cheek. Sarah hums softly to y/n making sure she stays asleep for a few hours.
4 hours later Sarah walks upstairs to see y/n rubbing her head. "Ouch what happened?"
What's the last thing you remember spider?
"I took a drink from the fridge and that's it."
"You drank a child potion, Mary forgot to label it"
Ugh why do I taste cough syrup?
Sarah laughs and hugs y/n explaining what happened over the last four hours.
"Last time I drink something without a label again, ugh"
"Haha spider" Sarah hugs y/n giving her many kisses. "I missed you Sarah"
And I you spider.

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