In another Life

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Dear diary, Today is 1st April 1896.

A couple got arrested again by the government. I witnessed the scene. Two guys were happily walking around the park. For a brief minute, I saw how they hugged and had a little kiss. But the good moment lasted a minute before a police officer caught them in the act and took them away.

Oh, I wish life wouldn't be so hard for those who loved the same gender. Why couldn't the world accept equality love for any gender. Why if two guys or two girls are seen together having a happy relationship, is it seen for a curse made by the devil?

It is even difficult for me and my partner to live in peace. We met 5 years ago, when we started high school for all guys. He was the class president while I was just a normal student trying to get the best grades to fulfill my parents' wish.
He showed me that we can love each other no matter what, but we had to hide it from the world.

Once in our third high school year, we had a project in pairs. I got paired up with him, and we met at his house. There, I found out that he lived alone with his grandmother, a lovely lady who made a life by selling vegetables of their garden.
That day, him and I got our first kiss, we had finished our homework and were comfortably sitting next to each other. He turned facing me, and the next second, I felt his lips on mine. It was a little kiss, but it made my world brighter than ever.

From that day on, we decided to meet once or twice a week in his house, since outside was a very difficult situation.

I was happy for once in my life thanks to him.

Dear diary, Today is 7th April 1896.

Our secret is in danger. The previous day, I was in his house when suddenly a neighbor entered the house and saw us hugging each other. The neighbor left the same way he appeared. It was so fast, we didn't have time to stop him.

We are scared, we haven't told anyone about our relationship. We had planned to live together in a small house far from town, where no one could bother us, and no rules could separate us.
But all dreams always have a problem. This morning, the government passed each house, shouting that there's gonna be a new announcement tonight at the main plaza. I hope nothing too bad.

Dear diary, today is the 8th of April 1896.

This might be my last page, I am heartbroken, and I don't know what to do. The speech the Chief made yesterday was horrible. He and the government decided to randomly choose 10 guys in our town to take them to the war. Even though no one has ever been trained.

One of the soldiers took a list and started to take say the names of the chosen ones. My heart stopped beating when I heard Lee Seonghwa.
They had chosen him over all people. I remember seeing him around the crowd and his face was in pure shock and scared. Everyone was scared who had to go.
The soldiers left after telling that they'd pick up the chosen guys the next day in the morning.

Immediately after everyone left, I had made my way to Hwas house. There all we could do was cry and embrace each other. We stood there together during the whole night and before he left he promised me that whatever happens, if it's not I this life, we will meet in another one and no one will ever tear us apart.

I have hopes of him returning back.

Dear diary, Today is 10th June 1896.

I never thought of writing to you again, but here I'll leave you for my best.

Today, I received the worst news I could have ever gotten. I was in Hwas house, helping with the plants, since the grandmothersadly passed away a month before. And since she left, no one was to take care of the house, so I decided to help until Hwa would come back.

Around 1pm, someone knocked on the door, and I went to look who it was.
After opening, I met with a military man, he had a little white bag in his hands with a necklace around it.

He asked for my name, which surprised me but then I discovered that the little bag in his hands and the necklace was from Seonghwa. The man mentioned me how Hwa passed away a day before returning home. But the military man, whose name was Changbin, told me how he knew about us and he apologized for not protecting Seonghwa.

I couldn't make him responsible for my dearest death. After some talked he left but during the whole day I didn't know what to do.

I'm finishing this diary today as well as my life. He was right, maybe not this life, but we will meet each other in another life. We will be happy forever, together.

I love you so much Hwa.

From your beloved, Yeosang. ♡


Now it's 2023, and Yeosang just closed the diary he had found in the basement of his new home, which he shared with his group members.

Wooyoung, who sat next to him, was exactly speechless as his friend. They were both reading the diary left by the owner of 1896. But both never expected the writer to be named Yeosang, too. The coincidence was minimal, even with the partner of that guy.

Wooyoung then looked once again in the box where they had found the diary. Something else was there.
A newspaper from the 15th June of 1896, there also was a small box, and under it, made Wooyoung leave a scream, was a weapon, a gun.

Both were struggling to know what to do with what they had just found. Yeosang wanted to know more about this past person, because he felt it was himself in a past life. Without thinking what he was doing, he took the gun in his hands and felt a strong pain coming from his birthmark that's next to his right eye.

Through the door came Seonghwa and Hongjoong because of Wooyoungs scream. They witnessed Yeosang in hold of the weapon and Wooyoung trying to calm him down.

Part 2 coming soon hehehe

A friend suggested me this plot idea, which fascinated me and I'm willing to continue.

Thank you for everyone who reads my random stories. I appreciate you all sm.

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