The Accident

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My eyes felt heavy, I barely could move my body, but with a bit of strength, I opened my eyes to a white light. I was in  a room, and I looked to my sides and my surroundings. I was on a hospital bed, and there was a desk on my left side near a closed window. On that desk was a vase with flowers, beautiful white lilies, my favorite.

But why were those there? And why was I in this bed? Where are my parents?  My friends? Oh... Seonghwa, my boyfriend, is he here too? Did we have an accident? Is he hurt?

Many questions were filling up my head. And still, no answer. What time was it?

I look towards my right, there's also a small desk, with my personal things. I found my hethetmon plushie, my phone and a frame, where I was with my friends. They were all there, Hongjoong, Mingi, Yunho, San, Jongho, Seonghwa, and Wooyoung, my best friend. I missed him so much.

Then I turned my phone on, and something unexpected was on my screen.

"30th January 2024?, what. But it's 2020, what's wrong with this thing... wait." I held my head since it started to spin.
"How long was I asleep?"

Seonghwa pov


Seonghwa stared outside from the window of the hotel room. He felt terrible every day since that accident where he could have saved Yeosangs life.

Their life was perfect until then. They managed to debut as an 8 member group, and the world accepted idols in relationships. They had finished their first world tour and were soon going to have more comebacks and tours and meet many fans, but it was all gone.

After the accident, the group took a break for a year, they wanted everyone healthy and re covered but news spread fast that one of the members of the group is in a coma that don't know when he would wake up, or if he ever would.

"Hwa, you're also thinking about yeosang, right?" Wooyoung sat next to his hyung. "I miss him every day so much. The group doesn't feel the same anymore." He commented, starting to tear up.

Seonghwa hugged Wooyoung in silent tears, too. They were in America, and they had just performed their new comeback. The group always promised that the day they were 8 again, they would re-upload all albums with the 8 voices. Since 8 makes 1 team.

After some silence, Seonghwa phone rang. He would have ignored it, but something told him to pick it up.

"Hello?" He said without even looking who called.

"Hyung, is that you?"














Wooyoungs head immediately turned to Seonghwa when he heard the voice through the line.

"Yeosang, is that you?" Seonghwa asked, wanting to know if that voice on the other side of the line was his forever boyfriend, if he had awoken up.

"Y-yes hyung, it's me. Where are you, where is Wooyoung and everyone. I miss you." Uncontrollable tears were falling from the two guys listening.

"Yeosang! Please stay there, we will take the first flight to you. Please wait, call a doctor or someone, we will be there as soon as possible." Seonghwa said, getting a 'I will always wait for you, you are my family' in reply from yeosang.

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