Our little moment

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We return to May of 2020, when covid19 had everyone on a lockdown, including the members of Ateez.

'It's been almost 2 months since this started. We had to cancel our Europe tour, and more specifically, the concert in Madrid one day before the date. We apologized so much to Atiny, and we are also so sad that we couldn't manage to finish this world tour. But hopefully, this virus doesn't last long.'

Yeosang wrote in his diary, sitting on the balcony of their dorm around 6 in the morning. We're birds could be hear and fresh air passt by.

Even though they lived in Seoul, the busiest city of South Korea, there was no sound of traffic jams, no sounds of cars driving around. It was chill.

"Can I sit with you out here?" Yeosang turned to see Seonghwa by the door. He nodded, and they sat next to each other in the balcony sofa.

"Hwa, do you think this will last long? We can't even go practice." Said Yeosang, leaning his head over Seonghwas shoulder, who put his arm around the other's shoulder.

"I don't know Sangie, but we can still talk with Atiny through online Lives, and even though we can't go practice to the company, we can still kinda do it in the living room somehow. And something else is that we can have more time for ourselves, not having to be so caution of our surroundings." Said Seongwa, in which Yeosang nodded and closed their eyes to relax in the morning.


* Click *

"Shhh, you're gonna wake them up."

"Aww, but look how cute they look, we need to have a memory of them since they don't let us catch them in their cute moments like this." Whispered a voice with another.

Seonghwa slowly opened his eyes and fixed it with the sunlight to catch Wooyoung taking pictures of them and Jongho scolding the other. The two slightly smiled in embarrassment and left the balcony immediately.

The older shrugged it off since he knew Wooyoung was just teasing.

He then felt a movement and saw how he ended up leaning on a side of the sofa  and yeosang being cuddled up with his head on his chest. Hwas heart began beating fast since he found yeosang really cute with his messy hair on top of him.
He didn't miss the chance to make some pictures of this cute moment, to then, continue their nap, holding onto the younger waist.

A few minutes later, Yeosang woke up since the sunlight was hitting his face. He felt the "pillow" he was on, was hard, and moved up and down. But only after opening his eyes and adjusting to the light did he realize in what position they were on.

He was lying on top of Seonghwa, and his face was on the others chest. He quickly tried to move away, but his waist was trapped in between the olders' arms.

"Hwa... I'm too heavy, ley me down, and the others will see us." Yeosang whispered still trying to escape. But Seonghwa had no plan of letting go, instead he pulled Yeosang closer.
Their faces were so close, they could feel each other's breathing.

"Forget about the other's, let's just focus on ourselves and our moment." Said Seonghwa just before pulling Yeosang once more to him and crashing their lips together.

Both were having their little heat moment in that sofa, on that balcony.


"It's already 9am, where is Seonghwa?" Asked Hongjoong entering the living room. To witness Wooyoung and San filming something that's supposed to be in the balcony and Jongho sitting on the couch with Mingi and Yunho, all with red faces, not saying a word.

"What's going on?" The leader asked, but got shushed by Wooyoung who was squealing frim the balcony door.

"Please, this might be the only time we might ever see Seonghwa and Yeosang kissing-" "you mean making out?" Corrected San.

Hongjoong in confusion went towards the others and witnessed indeed how Seongsang were making out on the balcony sofa. And their moment seemed to be close to heat up, since the older was starting to not just kiss yeosangs lips.

So before anything dirty would happen Hongjoong was there to ruin the moment.

He went straight to the balcony, with his hands over his eyes and kindly told the two love birds to make their stuff in a more private space. In which Yeosang and Seonghwa went inside with embarrassment to see everyone in the living room.

"Omg Yeosang, show me your tricks, you even got a hickey. GET A ROOM PLEASE." Whispered Wooyoung onto yeosangs ear. Who quickly put a hand on his neck, trying to hide the problem that everyone saw.

"Don't worry Wooyoung, I'm taking him to my room, if anyone needs anything, wait till later." Said Seonghwa with a smirk and dragging yeosang away to his room.

who knows what they did there....



I'm sorry I haven't updated. I started work, and in my only few days free I got to see Ateez in KPOPLUX in Madrid. It was awesome, I remember the stadium fans were so loud, we could hear more the fans than the music. A dream came true.

So now I'm updating slowly when work doesn't take my time. See yall soon! Hope you enjoyed.

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