Chapter 1-Straw Hats

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(It gets cringy trust me)

Y/n's pov

"Y/n back me up here!" Wende called out as I rushed to her side dropkicking the enemy

"Thanks!" She said as I looked at the captain of the enemy then looked at my captain he nodded I ran up grabbed my thick sword and swung it slashing him in the stomach he was the size of a giant!

"Why don't you pick a fight with someone of your own size!" He said as he tried flicking me I jumped up landing on his head as I stabbed my sword through his thick scull a couple times

"Curse you Jaguar pirates!" He called out as he started closing his eyes slowly before passing out and dying due to the stab in the brain cell he had

"How dare you! You're not even the captain!" His crewmates yelled running to attack me I put away my sword they circled around me I smiled as I jumped up and spun getting the right amount of air

"TEMPER BOLT!" I said as I pointed my foot towards the ground and hit it the ground cracked knocking everyone off their feet as I tied them with my yo-yos

"Thing about Jaguars is we have more then one way to kill" I said as as I did another temper bolt this time on them

"What's this?" I said picking up some weird fruit my stomach growled so I ate it terrible mistake it tastes horrible

"Y/n what are you eating?" Guru asked coming over

"I got hungry and found this weird fruit" I said eating it almost finishing it

"Y/N YOU JUST ATE A DEVIL FRUIT!" Annabelle screeched as I looked at her

"Shit" I said I got the name of the fruit

"The water water fruit" I said finishing the fruit as Guru punched me in the stomach it turned to water

"Meanie doesn't matter if you wanted the fruit or not" I said crossing my arms

"Y/n you're 12! And you have this power?! You could summon a whole tsunami!!" Wedne said

"I thought you were on my side" I yelled

"Plus I was already stronger then you all so now I'm even more stronger!" I said as they stared at me

"You're the youngest member of our crew and yes you're the strongest and we know that caused you beat the crap out of us when we first met but still this is serious!" Rose said as I sighed

"You guys are only 2-5 years older then me! And okay maybe the five years is a bit much but when I joined this crew I knew I was going to train and fight harder then anyone else! But none of you guys seem to ever keep promises!" I said I was very competitive and a bit short tempered but at least I wasn't some liar like Pinocchio

Time skip (you're now 17)

"Annabelle how does it feel being 21?" I asked

"Pretty good" She said hanging upside down doing tricks as we landed on an island

"Captain Tanker!" I called out while rushing towards his room

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