Chapter 4-It's out and next island

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Y/n's pov

"She just called Zoro a whore and lived-" Ussopp said scared

Basically this entire chapter has cutting and the rest of the book so at this point close the ding dang book or suck it up cause I feel like writing this shit at 3 am

"Yeah but this time I'm not in the mood" Zoro said flipping me over causing my pants to roll up a bit revealing one cut

"Ow" I said my cuts burning

"Y/n..." Luffy said serious

"Huh?" I said confused as I got up

"What was that" He glared

"Oh it was just uh- from a fight" I said

"But you told me you haven't fought in months" Nami crossed her arms

"Y/n I told you to stop that" Robin said

"Tell us the truth" Zoro said I looked at everyone Luffy glared at me I started fidgeting

"Put these on" Robin said giving me shorts

"It'll explain everything to them" She said I nodded and went to change

Robin's pov

"Y/n cuts herself and the only reason she hasn't cut her arms yet is cause she wanted everyone to think she was okay" I sighed

"She...." Luffy clenched his fist shaking as Y/n didn't come out and it had been a while

"I'll check up on her" I said walking to the room she walked into as I saw her passing back and forth and hyperventilating

Y/n's pov

"I can't do this" I panicked

"Yes you can you're confident sassy self needs to come back okay?" Robin comforted me I nodded

"Aww so you do like it when I call you my little whore" I jokingly teased as we both started laughing

"I'll go out first then you come out okay?" Robin said as I nodded she walked out of the room I heard from outside the door

"Shes ready" as I walked out of the room everyone's eyes were on my legs

"Y/n always used to say she quit but she never really quits she just says she does" Robin explained as I played with my hands

"Those one's are new" Robin said looking at two fresh cuts from earlier

"I-I'm sorry" I said shaking

"I-I just" I said as someone hugged me that wasn't Robin...

"Don't ever do this again...please" I heard Luffy's voice said as he held in tight like I'd leave forever and never come back

"Why'd you do it" Zoro asked as Sanji and Nami scolded him

"But he's right why would you do that to your precious legs" Sanji cried

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