Chapter 3-Leaving and Robin

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Y/n's pov

"Why'd you slap her!?" Bane said as Quin sat in a chair ice pack to her cheek as I sighed

"Sorry" I said hiding my shaking hand behind my back (or in your pocket if you chose something with pockets)

"Sorry's not going to cut it!" Annabelle said I stared at Quin

"How could you do that?!" Rose said as everyone was at Quins side besides the Straw Hats they all stared at me

"I-" I choked up my eyes started tearing up

"You?" Caleb said

"I WISHED I NEVER FUCKING JOINED YOU GUYS!" I yelled as I stormed out and left the house as I started walking I saw Vivi taking a stroll

"Hey I heard everything's safe now that Crocodile is out of the picture" I smiled she nodded and returned the smile

"I actually have to go do something! See you sometime? 'Kay?" I said she nodded I was about to leave but I turned back

"Almost forgot" I said as I picked Vivi on the lips

"See you around love" I smiled as I headed towards my favorite alleyway it started raining I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Now what's a pretty little lady like you doing out here?" A strange, drunk, man said as I started shaking I clenched my fists grabbing a hold of myself

"Why don't you come with us? Ay?" The man asked with a friend I smiled

"Change mood. Anger." I said

"What was that?" The man asked as I felt a strong hatred for him like people like him shouldn't exist and I wasn't about to be a victim of this again

"SHUT UP! GODDAMMIT YOU'RE ANNOYING!" I said kicking his sensitive spot as he crouched down men surrounded me from all angles

"UGH WILL THIS BULLSHIT EVER END!" I said as they rushed towards me I jumped up

"Strike spin!" I said as I started spinning mid-air I got to their heads as I kicked them all and landed on my two feet bowing

"Sucks to suck I guess" I said as Purple came over

"Wow not bad" She clapped "I get you can't help having crushes on multiple people but this is getting out of hand don't you think so love?" She continued as she kissed me it felt amazing

"You're so predictable" I scoffed

"It's so boring here! Wait- darling you brought friends?" Purple asked as I turned around confused I saw the straw hats

"I don't know them love let's just go" I said as she turned her back to them and started walking I glared at the straw hats before walking

"You left them at the crime scene" Purple laughed as we walked

"Y/N!" Luffy yelled

"Love who's Y/n? And who are they? You're name is Black like how mine is Purple right?" Purple asked concerned since our code names are colors we never knew each others real names she decided to act like these colors are our names

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