Chapter 5-Racoon Dog and Test Subject

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(You know what's on the menu? Me'n'u)

Y/n's pov

"What just happened" I said looking around before feeling dizzy

"Y/n! You're bleeding!" Robin panicked as I stared at the spot she had her hands at it was my arm under my shoulder as I collapsed to the floor I started coughing

"Who shot it do you know?" Robin asked as I shook my head before falling unconscious

I woke up in some bed in a castle

"You're awake" An old lady said

"I like your outfit" I said

"Aren't you going to ask my secrets to my eternal youth?" She asked

"I was just about too" I smiled my throat kind of sore

"Well first drink this it helps with your throat" She said handing me a cup of medicine

"Cheers" I said clinking my cup with her bottle of alcohol

"How old do you think I am?" The woman asked

"You don't look a day over 15!" I smiled before chugging the medicine and wiping my mouth

"I don't give my secrets out for free sorry little lady" she said chugging more alcohol

"So what's with the? The reindeer?" I asked

"He looks more like a racoon dog if you ask me" The woman said

"I'm a r-r-reindeer" The little reindeer said

"His name is Chopper he's my assistant" The woman said

"Oh and I'm Dr. Kureha" Dr. Kureha said I looked out of the window to see Luffy ready to fight something I looked back and saw they both left so I got up still kind of weak I stared at the full body mirror in the room my hair looked like a mess I looked like a mess

I tied my hair up to make it look halfway decent and took out the sewing kit I kept in my pocket to patch up some holes and I started humming which turned into a song

"Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end" I smiled

"Sun digs its heels to taunt you but after sunlit days one thing stays the same Rises the moon" I sang until someone started clapping

"Such talent such a shame you're here instead right?" A woman said in front of me with brown hair her outfit red and black with baggy sweatpants, boxers showing, cropped black tee, and red and black puffy jacket and a black and red visor as an accessory

"Say join my crew instead of that pathetic captain on the verge of death" She said pointing outside as I looked outside to see Luffy terribly injured my eyes widened

"I'm not joining you!" I said looking over at her angrily

"That's interesting on your wanted posted if you hold it up it says "The Crew Swapper" for your nickname" She said holding up my poster where the light hits it revealing those exact words I clenched my fists a shade casting against my eyes

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