Chapter 8-Island of memories and The end

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(Look at me I'm writing at a time that isn't 3 in the morning!)

Y/n's pov

"Captain, blacksmith we hit a new island" Robin said coming into the room I stood up dusting off my clothes as Luffy went yelling "NEW ISLANDDDS!!!" I was confused by the fact she said blacksmith

"This looks familiar..." I said stepping out of the room onto the deck looking at the island as someone came up to our ship

"We've been expecting you to come back Y/n!" The child said I was stuck with confusion I walked to the balcony but got tripped by Nami and fell ontop of Luffy making us.......


I got up quickly and suddenly I remembered everything

"Luffy you're my..." I said shocked but deciding to keep my words to myself since I remember that girl

"I didn't think you'd remember me Rues" I smiled jumping off the ship and onto the island as I hugged her

"Of course I'd remember you're like a mother to me!" She celebrated tears swelled in my eyes

"You were only a baby when I rescued you! Now you're all grown up look at you! You're now 14!" I said overjoyed

"Did my brother take good care of you?" I asked she nodded

"Of course but I missed you where'd you go?" Rues asked

"I got taken away by some silly pirates but these people here rescued me" I said she still acted like a child

"Grandpa Buggy came here" Rues said my eyes widened

"Step-dad?!" I said shocked she nodded

"Wait Buggy's you're step dad?!" Everyone said shocked

"Yeah my mom was always into younger guys or whatever doesn't matter now" I said as I cupped Rues cheeks in my hands rubbing them with my thumbs

"Our families complicated isn't it Rues and Gi I see you hiding in the bushes I can't believe how much you two have grown!" I said as Gi came running into my arms

"Where are the others?" I asked

"They're at home so is Uncle Yowa" Gi said holding onto me she's 12

"Hey you guys should come over as well" I said as everyone stepped off the ship

"We have a wonderful town!" I smiled

"The math isn't matching up" Ussopp said confused I giggled

"I found these guys when I was only 1! Some of them like Gi weren't born yet I found them throughout the years isn't that right" I said Gi just clung onto me

"I took care of all the kids in this town I rule over" I said as I started walking with my kids

"I know I know this situations strange" I said

"But we're all family!" Gi smiled

"Right" Nami noted

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