
916 34 4

Keleia Miller
3rd person

"I heard a scream and I heard something drop, are you okay?" Bronny asked as he ran into the bathroom.

"I think my water broke," Brooklyn groaned grabbing onto the counter.

Bronny ran around in circles trying to register what was really happening before running into the room to get their things.

So to fill y'all in, today's chapter is going to be with...*Drumroll please* BROOKLYN AND BRONNY.

Brooklyn let out a pained laugh at her fiance as she clutched her stomach.

Meanwhile Bronny quickly put everything in the car while trying to keep calm.

He managed to get everything ready and warm up the car before going back to find Brooklyn.

She was in the bathroom finishing up her hair. She was in the middle of doing braids on her hair.

She was already close to finishing but the contractions made her move a lot slower than usual.

"So you just Gon finish ya braids?" Bronny asked crossing his arms at the girl.

"Correct, not finna have me in there looking like a god damn fool. We gotta look presentable when he gets here so he doesn't think we going to the hood." She shrugged finishing up the braid she was currently doing.

"I'm ova here panicking and shit about you going into labor and you over here doing your hair" he dropped his shoulders shaking his head in disappointment.

"Doing my hair ain't that bad, I got two more braids left. Keke packed the baby bag, did a whole lotta bullshit and I can't finish my hair?" She brought up giving him a look.

"Keleia is a procrastinator, that was gonna happen one way or another. Too bad it happened after her water broke. And she's a thug," he explained with a laugh sitting on top of the counter.

"She is not no God damn thug," Brooklyn laughed shaking her head.

"Whatever how much more time? I'm tryna go meet my mini me" he rolled his eyes swinging his legs back and forth.

"It's not like as soon as we get there he just Gon pop out. That ain't how it work," it was her turn to roll her eyes putting her last braid in.

"I know that," he mocked before hopping off of the counter, "imma go play the game then"

"Chill I just finished- Ah Fuck" she groaned bending over from a contraction once again, "yeah nah we gotta go,"

"Oh so now we gotta go? As soon as I wanna play the game?" Bronny scoffed throwing his hands in the air but helped her out of the room anyways.

"Stop fucking complaining and get me to the god damn hospital" Brooklyn said through gritted teeth.

He silently mocked her but made sure she got down the stairs safely and without problems.

As soon as she got in the car everything hit her all at once. She was in pain the whole ride to the hospital.

But Bronny couldn't tell because he was blasting young thug through the speakers.

Brooklyn did appreciate it though because it took her mind off of the pain.

The next 30 minutes was a blur. Brooklyn is now laid in the bed on her phone in pain.

And Bronny is playing the game that he somehow hooked up to the hospital TV.

Brooklyn did text everyone what was happening while she was in bed but she texted the most important people to know first. Her mom and dad, while Bronny texted his parents.

Technically he didn't text the both of them separately. He texted a Group chat that had all of them in it. It was way easier than spending his time.

Brooklyn's baby father🤗

PS. Do not text back because nine chances out of ten I'm not responding because I'm playing the game.

So yeah... efficiency?🤷🏾‍♀️

"Alright, Ms Davis. Which one would you rather prefer? Davis or James?" The doctor asked as she put her gloves on.

"Either is fine, until our wedding I'm legally Davis though" Brooklyn chuckled shifting In the bed.

"Okay, well it seems like you hit the 10 centimeters mark and we can go ahead and start pushing" the Doctor smiled signalling the other nurses to get the supplies.

"Wait, what is it going to feel like?" Brooklyn questioned quickly as she grew nervous.

"For some it feels like taking a poop and for others it felt a lot different" the doctor nodded. Brooklyn's eyes grew wide.

"Sometimes taking a shit is hard enough, ion think this is going to be easy" she shook her head before turning to Bronny and silently threatening him.

The Doctor laughed and patted her leg, "I am sure you will do it perfectly fine, women are like superman. They are strong,"

And that Brooklyn is, Damn near broke Bronnys hand holding onto it that tight.

But she gave birth on March 23rd 11:42 Am to her beautiful son Malachi Sevyn James.

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