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"Georgia!" Ben called from his office.

Georgia grumbled under her breath and rose to her feet, approaching the doorway. "What?" she snapped.

"Somebody's moody today," observed Ben, a smirk creeping across his lips.

With a sigh, Georgia shifted her weight to lean against the door then demanded, "What do you want?"

Ben leaned back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap as he grinned at her. All Georgia wanted was to climb across his desk and punch the stupidly smug expression from his face. The man was a raging narcissist, hardly capable of completing a task, and unbelievably sexist. It didn't help that Georgia was the lone woman in the accounting department, which meant none of her co-workers stood up for her when Ben assigned her meaningless tasks or made inappropriate comments.

When Ben said nothing, Georgia repeated, "What do you want?"

"Maybe I just wanted to see your pretty face," he cooed, which made Georgia's stomach churn. Rolling her eyes, she turned on her heels and started to leave, but Ben called after her, "I just wanted you to grab me a coffee! Think you can handle that?"

While she would usually protest, Georgia was too tired to argue with Ben Saunders today. Instead, she headed for the break room, removing her phone from her pocket as she went.



Conversation with Jensen Phan

hey, so sorry to ask on such short
notice, but is there any chance you
could take Hoa to the canucks game tn??
i promised him we could go but i got
called in to the hospital.

i can if no one else can. Tien is
doing something?

no, but the pregnancy sickness
is really bad past couple of days.
she hasn't gotten out of bed much
and i would just worry about her in
that environment.
if you can't or don't want to, it's okay,
i'll just tell Hoa it isn't a good night.

no, don't do that, he's been
saying he wants to see them
play against mcdavid.
i'll take him.

thank you so so much, g. i owe
you big time.

lol it's okay. just make
sure Hoa knows to be extra
good for his aunt.

of course. game is at 7, will
text you the tickets

does he want to go early for
like the warm-ups and stuff?
if he does i can just grab him
right after work and we can

that would be amazing.
thanks g, love u

no problem, love you too


As Georgia poured a coffee for Ben and then another for herself, she glanced over her shoulder. Dmitri was at one of the tables, scrolling through his phone. Dmitri was the one person in the department that Georgia could stand—mostly because she'd had the biggest crush on him since she was hired six months ago.

Whenever she tried talking to him, though, she would clam up and stumble over her words. He had the prettiest eyes and broad shoulders that Georgia was just dying to get her hands on.

"How's it going, Dmitri?" she piped up, hoping that the tremor in her voice was less obvious than it seemed.

He hardly looked up from his phone to respond. "I'm fine, you?"

"Good, good," Georgia hurried, suddenly desperate to escape the conversation she had prompted. "Just grabbing some coffee, you know."

Good god, G, what are you even saying?

"Cool," Dmitri replied, though his eyes were still glued to his phone.

Scolding herself, Georgia picked up the two coffee cups and headed for the door. She was so focused on holding them steady that she didn't even notice it when Dmitri got up out of his seat and made a move for the exit at the same time. Apparently, he was too consumed by his phone to notice Georgia, too, because he ran directly into her, knocking both coffees out of her hands.

One, fortunately, fell directly to the floor, and while it splattered across the tile, it missed Georgia's shoes. The second cup, however, proved less fortuitous in its tumble, for it tipped directly backwards onto Georgia forearm, scalding her skin.

"Fuck," she cried out as the coffee stained her blouse.

Now Dmitri was paying attention. He muttered, "Shit, sorry," and scrambled to tug Georgia towards the sink. There, he flicked on the cold water and yanked Georgia's arm beneath the stream.

Georgia winced as the water ran over the burn, which had already turned red and swollen from the boiling heat. The pain meant she couldn't appreciate that Dmitri was touching her, his grip firm but kind. "I should've been paying more attention," Georgia concluded, though the collision wasn't solely her fault.

"Don't worry about it," Dmitri replied, waving it off. "I was busy looking at my phone."

Georgia was terrible at talking to this man, so she opted to keep her mouth shut and settle for a slow nod.

Dmitri clicked his tongue as he turned off the water. "This looks pretty bad," he remarked.

Georgia had to agree: it almost looked like the skin was starting to bubble on her forearm, and the pain was intense. Without replying to Dmitri, she grabbed her phone and fired off a text to her brother.



Conversation with Jensen Phan

what time are you going
in to work?
got a bad burn and wanted to
see if you could take a look at
it before you leave.

shit, yeah of course. if you're coming
straight from work, i'll still be here


When Georgia looked up from her phone, Dmitri was gone from the room.

She sighed, dabbing at her forearm with a paper towel. Once it was dry, she returned to the coffee pot.

Ben would be pissed if she returned without his coffee.

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