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Conversation with Unknown Contact

Unknown Contact
hi is this g?
i'm sorry if that's a nickname
or something. it's just what
your nephew said.

hi yes, full name is georgia
but most people call me g
if that's weird you don't have to
call me that.
is this quinn?

Unknown Contact
yeah it is

Georgia changed contact name to: Quinn Hughes

i really did want to apologize for
tossing that puck into your drink
im so sorry, should've been way
more careful

haha please don't even
worry about it. honestly it
made my nephew's night to
get a puck from you, so i would
still consider it a win :)

did donny get you all patched up?
our trainer i mean

oh yeah totally! you didn't
have to do that, it was really sweet.
is there a way i can get this sweatshirt
back to you? i definitely don't want
to steal your stuff.
we're still at the rink so i could
leave it with someone or something?

yeah, actually.
do you know where the pro shop is?

i think so yes

right next to it is a door that says
arena staff only and there should be
a guy right there. i'll send someone to let
you in.
what is your nephew's name?

oh it's Hoa

okay, i'll see you and Hoa soon :)


"Where are we going?" Hoa asked as Georgia led him down the escalator to the ground floor.

Georgia didn't really have an answer for him. She wasn't entirely sure that any of this was real. Like-Quinn Hughes? The Quinn Hughes just texted that he would see her and her nephew soon. Just to get his sweatshirt back?

When they reached the bottom of the elevator, she placed a hand on Hoa's shoulder and guided him to the pro shop, where, sure enough there was a security guard talking quietly to a man in a suit.

A little nervously, Georgia approached them, her grip on Hoa's shoulder tightening ever so slightly. The man in the suit looked up at them and smiled. "Are you Georgia?" he asked.

Hoa craned his neck to look up at Georgia, who nodded. The man motioned for them to follow as the security guard opened the door that Quinn had mentioned. There, a long hallway stretched to a red curtain, which the man shoved aside. Beyond it was a small open space that almost glowed blue in the light coming through the other opening.

Holy shit. Georgia glanced around wildly. They were in the tunnel. Like-the tunnel the players used to get out onto the ice.

Hoa noticed it, too. "Whoa," he marveled, already slipping from Georgia's grasp to wander towards the ice.

Georgia was quick to chase after him. "Dừng lại," she snapped. Stop. Georgia knew: Hoa understood the adults in his life weren't messing around the moment they broke out the Vietnamese. Sure enough, he returned to her side.

"Just wait right here, and I'll go grab him," the man announced, still smiling.

It was by far the craziest situation Georgia had ever been in. She half-expected someone to come out of the locker room with a camera, telling her she'd been pranked. The fear made her feel sick.

Awkwardly, she slipped out of the sweatshirt Quinn had passed over the boards. All she had to do was hand it to him and make a run for it. Then she would never have to worry about any of this ever again.

But no one came out with a camera. Instead, the only person who came through the door to Georgia's left was Quinn Hughes.




Georgia hoped her expression didn't give away her shock when he smiled at her.

Holy hell did he have a nice smile.

He was no longer wearing his gear-just some shorts and a Canucks t-shirt, plus a pair of slides on his feet. In his hand, though, was a jersey, though it didn't look big enough to fit him.

Before Georgia could speak, Hoa piped up, "You played so good. My dad and I watch you all the time. And Auntie G says you're really handsome."

"Tôi sẽ giết bạn," she muttered to him, yanking her nephew back towards her. I'll kill you.

Hoa just grinned at her, content with himself in spite of Georgia's obvious ire.

Georgia felt the heat rush into her face as Quinn stepped closer and crouched down to meet Hoa's height. "Well," he replied, "make sure to tell your aunt that I think she's beautiful." His eyes flitted to Georgia as he said it, and suddenly every part of her body was on fire under his gaze. She felt an inch of relief when he looked back at Hoa. "I saw you already had my sweater," he began, unfurling the jersey in his hands, "so I grabbed one from my friend and had him sign it for you."

He held the jersey out to Hoa, whose jaw was slacken in disbelief and amazement. "Holy smokes," he stammered. He glanced at Georgia for assurance, and she smiled and motioned him forward. "Thank you so much," he hurried, taking the jersey from Quinn's hands. As he admired the name on the back he announced, "Petterson is my mom's favorite player-but she doesn't really know what's going on."

Georgia couldn't help letting out a little laugh, which drew Quinn's attention back to her. He stood up, moving his hands into the pockets of his shorts and offering a sheepish smile. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "Here's this." She held the sweatshirt out to him, but he shook his head.

"I didn't actually invite you back here to get my sweatshirt," he chuckled. "You keep it."

"Oh," Georgia murmured, frozen where she stood. "Then-why?"

Quinn seemed to hesitate: Georgia saw him swallow and tighten his jaw, almost like he was nervous. Stammering a little he replied, "I wanted to apologize in person." He nudged Hoa's shoulder and added, "I also wanted to make sure the big man got a jersey."

Hoa returned to Georgia, holding up the jersey so that she could admire it, too. She tousled his hair gently, though she still felt Quinn's eyes on her.

Georgia couldn't believe she was even thinking it-but he was looking at her almost like he was admiring her. It couldn't be that, right? This was Quinn Hughes. She was Georgia Phan.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Georgia was too panicked and flustered to give him a chance. She grabbed Hoa's hand and told him, "Okay, we gotta get you home to your mom now."

And then she was near-sprinting down the hallway, and she didn't look back even when Quinn hollered for her to wait.

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