Love at First Fall

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I was walking down the crowded streets of LA when I first saw him. 

My curly brown hair contained in an elastic band, as a bun on the top of my head. My iPod blasting Lana Del Rey. I was on my way back to my apartment after my afternoon classes in a small creative writing school nearby. After a couple of verses I was overcome by Lana's genius, so I closed my eyes and sang at the top of my lungs, all while still walking and swaying my hips to the beat.

Bad idea.

I stumbled, my pastel Vans catching on something, and my eyes flew open, catching a flitting glance at the object that made me lose my balance.

A bagel.

How did that even get there?

Before my face managed to make painful contact with the concrete sidewalk, a hand reached out and caught me. 

I looked back and glared at the bagel that was surely out to take my life, before looking up at my hero. My eyes seemed to travel alot before I reached the face of my saviour. He had a kind of neverending torso and happened to be extremely tall. His face was really pretty. Kind of like a girls. He had dimples on both cheeks and was grinning widely, as though he just won the lottery. He had bright green eyes and a mop of curls so big, that a clown couldn't compete. But for some reason, his silly smile and crazy hair, didn't clash against him at all. In fact, I didn't think anything could possibly make him less attractive.

But then he opened his mouth.

"Hey Gorgeous, can I buy you a drink?" he seemed to be trying to hold in a laugh. He glanced behind me, and I turned to see four boys sitting at a small table outside of the cafe we were standing in front of.

One of the boy's had a box of bagels in front of him. They were all desperately trying to hide their giggles.

So that's where the bagel had come from.

The boy and his buddies were making fun of me. First I was embarrassingly singing and dancing, then I tripped -their fault- and now I was staring at the boy who caught me, like a love sick puppy. I couldn't blame them for wanting to laugh. 

I had made a fool of myself.

But that didn't mean I was going to let them make fun of me.

Suddenly the boy in front of me, the one with the curls, burst out laughing, no longer able to control his laughter. He doubled over and I took the chance to knee him in the stomach. He dropped to the floor and his buddies burst out into rowdy laughter.

I turned and gave them a deadly glare before going on my way again. In less than 30 seconds the curly haired boy appeared in front of me again. I couldn't believe he had recovered so quickly. "I- I'm sorry. I- my mates and I meant you no harm." His obviously faked American accent was gone, now replaced by a more natural sounding British accent. I shrugged without looking his way and began to walk. He didn't move out of my way. "let me make it up to you." I looked up waiting for him to continue. "I'll buy you a drink." I rolled my eyes, before muttering, "Originality truly is dead." "Or, we can do something else." I glared up at him, "Why would I wan't to do anything with you." I spat.

His goofy grin was back on and I felt the urge to slap it off his face. I didn't understand this urge since I was naturally a harmless person. Always completely void of violent thoughts and feelings. But this boy, even his precence put me on edge. "I'm Harry, by the way." He said.  "Good for you." I said smiling sarcastically before pushing roughly past him and walking away.

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