Chapter Nine

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(Luke's POV)

"Can I talk to Luke alone? " Ali asks quietly, oh she heard me in the hospital didn't she I was right when she started, but I cut her off by making it sound like I was confused I looked into her eyes she looked like she was gonna cry oh sh- "Bye Luke" I here before the computer screen goes black as she closes my mums laptop. "You know she was gonna tell you she likes you too," I hear Ashton say, quietly as he comes out of the closet and the other boys walk back into the room. "Ya mate she really likes you...."
Michael says trailing off at the end. "Ya right, and I wasn't gonna get rejected. " I say I do feel bad for making her cry though. "When's our next break? " I ask quickly "uh next week for a month and a half." Calum says "Ok, I'm gonna talk to her when we get back to Australia. " I say bravely

(Ali's POV )

One week later..... 《》《》《》《》

My brother and all the rest of the boys in 1D and 5sos are coming home today I can't wait for them to meet Ross yes I'm dating Ross Lynch and he is the sweetest, kindest, most caring boyfriend in the world, i was walking down the beach one day and Ross was there with the cast of Austin and Ally for some vacation I guess. But he bumped into me asked me my name and we talked for the rest of the day he bought me an ice cream because it was my birthday, and I insisted that he didnt, but he did anyways, the next few days we hung out together at the beach and just got to know each other he asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday he met Liz and all the other 5sos boys mums too. So he was 5sos mum aproved I was so happy today when Ross came to Lizs house I was smiling so big, I'm just so happy that my big brother is coming back for a whole month then I'm going on tour with him we're waiting at the airport right now when I saw the blonde quiff of my big brother come out of the tunnel I let go of Roses hand and ran to him I even did the koala hug again! The boys laughed at us and Niall put me down as we walked over to Ross and Liz the 5sos boys should be here within about half an hour or so "Niall this is Ross, my boyfriend, Ross this is Niall my brother!" I say happily I hug the rest of the boys as Niall interrogates Ross, "What happened with you and Luke love?" I hear Louis ask. I felt the tears spring to my eyes as n I say the sentence I never thought I would say "He never liked me, I was going to tell him I like him too but he cut me off and looked completely confused like he never said anything in the hospital" I say into his shoulder "Hey Alissa babe, you ok baby-girl? " Ross asks I nod my head and smile up at him pecking his cheek he smiled at me too and then I heard The laughter of Ashton Irwin I smile and ran to him exitedly doing the same thing I did to Niall he laughs and I say" Hey guys come meet my boyfriend! His name is Ross!" I say pulling Ashtons giant hand in both of mine I hear him laugh at my attempts
As he just puts me on his back running over to the other boys are over by Luke's mum too. I smile and hug Mikey and Cal I go and hug Luke but don't say anything to him exept welcome back Luke. Then go stand over by Ross " Hey boys this is Ross my boyfriend, Ross this is Ashton, Luke, Michael, and Calum I say introducing them to each other I smile as they all get along exept Luke looks over at my hand in his and he looks jelous?! Ha ya right Luke being jelous it's not like he likes me or anything, or at least not anymore....

(Luke's POV )

I'm so stupid! Of course she'd find some one else! I mean she's beautiful, kind, and funny! What am I supposed to tell her now? 'Oh, hey Alissa, about last Friday I was just acting like that cause I didn't want to get rejected!' Ya she'll totally forgive me! NOT! "Hey, babe I'm gonna go to the restroom I'll be right back." I hear Ross say to Alissa. "I have to too. I'll go with him." I say to Mikey. He just nods as I follow Ross I see him go somewhere else instead of the restrooms he was going into a McDonalds in the food court I saw him kiss another girl on the forehead "Babe our plan is working so well, she thinks I like her, then I'll dump her and you can have Luke all to yourself when she's dead because no one will ever love her and she'll kill herself to get away from the pain!" I hear him say to her. " Thank you so much Ross your the best big brother ever!" I hear the girl say. He's playing Ali? Why would he want to do that? She's so innocent, i dont get it......

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