Dosti yaa Dushmani

58 14 13

1 st August 1988

Third Person's POV

Although Nandini stopped creating troubles for poor Sameer but she still couldn't digest the fact that she had to share her bench with him . Its so ioooooo for her because as far as her memories go she used to sit alone in class as she don't ever share . And to top it all the king of idiots today forgot his stationary set at home and Nandini 😳😳😳 had to share her's with him . What an atrocity on his part . How can a person forget to pack his stationery set in his school bag . Nandini kept glaring at the poor soul as he hesistantly took her eraser to use and if looks could kill he would be six feet under .

" Carefull you idiot it's Steadler pencil very costly . Handle it carefully ."

Nandini shouted at Sameer to which Neeru mam glared at her and she zipped her mouth shut . No matter what she couldn't be his friend and its not because he is muslim its because he encroached in her personal space when she was unwilling . Little did she knew one day she would willingly let him into her most personal space when all will let her be by herself .

Later on after the class ended Nandini was summoned in staff room and a lecture given to her on appropriate behaviour by her favourite teacher and how much she can't tolerate him now she herself don't know at all .

Rest of the day goes off peacefully and Nandini and Sameer showed the perfect example of peacefull coexistence just like a goat and a lion drinking water at same pond with Nandini baring her fangs like a lion ready to slither through the goat aka Sameer anytime any moment and any chance she get . But one thing she made sure of none else in the class can bully Sameer . Poor him . Didn't knew being  bullied by others was much better then being under constant scrutiny of our dearest Nandini .

1 st August 1988

Neeru mam POV

I was constantly in talks with head teachers to let Sameer sit with some other student as i don't know my sixth sense was ticking badly that it won't result in happiness for both of them . God forbid my intuition but i don't know why, i don't know what and i don't know how but i was afraid !!!

Nandini had been topper and hence favourite of teachers since her first grade always up to date with her always impeccable class projects , oh her first aid kit which she made for summer vacations project still comes handy as she used real products instead of dummies and how her charts adorned the walls of class . She was the tomboy of class always loud , clear and expressive of what she wants !!

What i was worried more was about the silent boy in class who was day by day becoming more and more timid , more silent and more assimilating himself into atmosphere as if he don't exist at all . Except for an " Yes Mam!!" for class attendance he only spoke yesterday when he forgot his stationery set at home and how ashamed and hesitant he was on using Nandini's stationary i could notice . And her arrogance of glaring at him infront of me made me stumped to the floor . What was this level ? Is she afraid of anyone in world ? God forbid if situation arises will her attitude let her handle it calmly or will she worsen the situation ?? As an teacher i could only hope for the best for my students as they represent my abilities .

Well today i have to announce commencement of first yearly exams commencing from 13 th August three days after Rakshabandhan ( an hindu festival where sisters tie rakhi to their brothers and brothers vow to keep their sisters safe ) . Kids are going to hate exams just after festivals spirit but i am helpless .

" Kids your first yearly exams are going to be conducted from 13 th August . I will be circulating the circulars and date sheet and kindly note in your diary and get it signed by your parents tomorow affirmatively ."

A student speaks up

" What mam exams just after Rakhi ??  It is not done . Can you please have the date shifted ?"

To which i sighed and said , no nothing could be done and dates are final . I sweared in my mind about how much I tried but headmistress won't listen so what could i do ??

Kids kept the date sheet and circular in their diaries and look at each other only Sameer was looking down as if troubled !!

" What happened Sameer ?? Do you have any problem ??"

" Mam my parents are out of city and wont be back before a week so who will sign my diary ?"

To it a real idiot student of class Rajiv Gupta said

" Hey sameer is you father gone to get you a new mom ? You know its allowed in you all ?"

Before i could reply Nandini dashed out of her seat grabbed him by his collar and yelled

" How dare you say that ? Do you know what nonsense you are saying ?"

I was shocked and more then me Sameer was shocked !!

Before i could come out of shock Nandini has shoved Rajiv to floor by pushing him hard and telling him sternly

" Khabardaar jo dubara aisi bakwaas apne munh se nikali Sameer ke liye . Munh toad dungi tera mein!! ( beware if you spew such nonsense for him from your mouth . I will break your mouth !!) Say sorry to him else i would kill you now !!"

Unknown to them all that on one side it was the start of a lifelong commitment to the purest bond of friendship between two individuals having constrasting personalities whereas on the other side it was also the onset of the most bitter revenge story ever found in history which would shake my heart in my later years when i become principal of the same school and encounters the newest admissions and my most loved alumni kids

Nandini Sameer khan
Sameer khan

Author's note

Readers please don't !! i know some of you will like to subject my book to communal hatred now but please let it reach its end and if you still feel after epilogue that book deserves communal hatred do report it and i would willingly take it down .. but as it had been so long since i updated due to busy schedules i thought about giving you all sonething to look forward in the book and sonething to hold on .. maybe their happiness is in being together as before being hindu or muslim they are human beings having a heart and soul which is pure at this tender age !!
See you all in my next update till then see you all !!

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