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Author's Note

Well i won't be too long on rambling about anything but still i would like to say keep praying for the betterment of humanity as whole as whatever we gives to the world comes back to us manifold so give kindness and be ready to receive kindness from unexpected avenues . In the same way give the world cruelty and expect the same from universe to come upon yourself ..

Till the next time I give a author's note.

New cover :: credit @pushpita_fiore_1116

Thanks a lot dear for designing the cover in accordance to the current mood of the book !!


Well like the warmth a ray of sunshine brings which goes away as soon as the sun sets , Rukaiya felt similar while missing Nandini . In just a few days , the little frail girl whom she came to know claimed to beat up both her sons if they call her dumb, her resilience, her innocence, her love made her home radiate with an glow which she had always found missing .

Truly said daughter's are Allah's greatest blessings and earlier she hadn't ever but suddenly she started missing a daughter in her life whom she could raise as her carbon copy . The notion became stronger day by day and it was engraved in her heart and mind the day she attended Nandini's belated birthday party. The way she greeted all her guests , the excitement with which she received her gifts from everyone alike and the pure innocence which shouted protect me at any costs caught her in a quagmarine out of which there was no way out .

Her husband noticed her distress , tried to comfort her in many ways which included teasing her romantically but still the void was there. Nandini's presence made her resent more and more that why she couldn't bear another child ? They kept trying for a couple of years after Sameer turned three but later on upon gynecological intervention came to know her womb is not fit anymore to carry more , and it broke her completely. A few months assurance from her husband of his never ending love for her is what made her believe that she is not unwanted in his life as she can't bear any more children for him .

But now she longed for a daughter of her own , who won't come to their house per day for only a couple of hours and that routine too they knew will stop once Nandini joins her school back . But what can be done . Sunshine of another person's life couldn't be ours forever . One can bask in it for sometime but for that too the person whose sunshine it is , needs to grant permission .

Rukaiya had been crying helplessly since last couple of days as she noticed the longing in her husband's eyes too for a daughter . He had been coming home earlier then usual just to spend a few moments with Nandini .

Vasim was keeping away from home because of the earlier altercation but still couldn't stop himself from coming back a few moments before Nandini leaves for her home for some stolen glances at her . Like a bird returns to her nest in evening Nandini would return to her home too . Sometimes when her Ved uncle would have to leave for some or other work , her brother Maan would come to pick her up . The stars and moon dancing in her eyes as soon as her eyes would land on her brother or his voice would reach her were witness of her unconditional love and craving to be with her brother .

A couple of times Vasim noticed a type of victory smile lacing Maan's lips as Nandini will happily threw herself into his arms leaving everything , whatever she would be doing at the moment . It would dawn on Vasim years later when Nandini would be so distraught with only him and his family present as an anchor to her slipping away zeal of life that what Maan and her parents meant for her and what she meant to them when they had eventually lost their Nandini , for her to be in Sameers's arms with them having no right whatsoever at even a glimpse of their precious Gudiya .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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