Shattered Heart

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Author's Note

Quick update i too thought so !!

Third Person's POV

Three souls which were full of sorrow were overwhelmed with their emotions as soon as they reached the mansion they were headed towards . Located in the most expensive part of city the mansion which seemed to have lost its soul around a dozen hours ago seemed to have got it back again as soon as servants spotted their master's friend carrying the sunshine of the mansion back to the mansion. She was draped in a blanket under the uniform coat of her father's best friend .

Still she was shivering due to high fever . Her father got beserk seeing his daughter in such a frail condition . Immediately doctor was called upon . Nandini was layed upon her bed by Mr. Rehmaan and she was tucked in carefully by her mother . Her father and brother could only look frozen .

They were so much into their state that they didn't noticed when doctor came , when she was examined and when an IV drip was attached to her small hand infusing life in her . Doctor suggested shifting her to hospital in either of situations if her body doesn't responds or fever doesn't drops in next hour . To this her father urged the doctor to wait and don't leave to which the man obliged as he was the family doctor of Goel's since even before Maan was born .

Nandini was critical and fighting for life and due to a scratch on her body which was suspected to have been a result of a brush against a protruding nail from her room's wall doctor even injected her with a shot to fight off all possibilities of tetanus and septic . But still none could think about the reason for a child to have fled out of her house and that too in middle of night after she was tucked up in bed .

Her brother's murmuring could still be heard amidst the confusion .

" Ussey dard se dar lagta hai . Kyun gayi woh aise ? Yeah needle uske haath ko pain degi .( she is afraid of pain . Why she left like that? This needle in her hand will pain her .)"

He continued speaking till Mr. Rehmaan jerked him embraced him and brought him to reality and scolded him

" You are a grown up man . How could you behave like this . You need to support your parents into looking after her well being . Behave like an adult not like a deranged child or an old man who lost his battles of life ."

What felt like centuries was not even a day . All were informed about Nandini not being well so delay in plans of the party . Even Sameer and his family were informed . Sameer couldn't help but wonder what has happened to his only friend and how come the birthday which was in feb celebrated in september . It was a puzzle he was busy in solving when Vasim came up and asked him to come out for a game of football which elated his mood in seconds .

Nandini hadn't responded and fever was not breaking too hence was shifted to hospital in early evening . Her mother father and brother kept her watch and Mr. Rehmaan left for his office as being a government servant he had duties to fullfill too .

In the wee hours of next morning Nandini got conscious and with strained eyes and parched throat called out for her mother .

" Maa !! Maa!!"

She was scared out of her wits due to unfamiliar surroundings and the pain in her whole body . Her family rushed to her side immediately and cradled her in their arms immediately . She was like a treasure which they thought they had lost .

" Bahut darddd ho raha hhhai maa !! Bola bhi nahin jaa raha !! Gala sukh gaya hai !!( its very painfull mother ! I cant even speak ! My throat is dry !)"

" Don't speak at all my sweetheart !"

Her mother told her and without any word Maan had already left to call doctor . Who on examining Nandini assured the concerned family that Nandini is ok now to be taken back to home if they want but amidst the checkup's Nandini again went into the land of oblivion hence prolonging her stay in the hospital .

Mr. Rehmaan and his wife Rukhsana visited a short while later and lovingly caressed Nandini's hair and left a chaste kiss on her forehead blowing some dua's ( prayers and supplications) over her head and giving sadqas in her name to poor and deserving upon leaving the hospital after giving courage to the family .

In her unconscious state Nandini started murmuring

" Bhaiya jaa rahe hai !"( Brother is leaving )

" Bhaiya mujhe lekar nahin jaayenge!"( brother wont take me with him )"

" Thakurji mujhe bahut bimaar kardo jo bhaiya naa jayein !"( God make me very sick so that brother don't goes )"

Her murmers evoked emotions which Maan has buried under his cool demenour in his heart and he broke down . Sometimes grown up adults too need the assurance of their parents , they too need the embrace of their parents to feel safe and fine .

Nandini was not well but same was the condition of Maan who was inconsolable upon hearing Nandini's broken and shattered soul's words . He found himself responsible for her state and out of guilt which has multiplied many fold after Nandini's state and which lay as a huge Boulder on his heart decided to cancel his plans of studying in Harvard .

His parents didn't knew of his inner turmoil but they understood what had happened to Nandini . In their haste of discussing things they forgot that whenever Maan comes back the whole month Nandini keeps on glued to him as his holidays always started from June and ended till August but this time he was late as he had to look into university admissions .

Nandini was used to sleep cuddling with her brother whenever he would come to India and he too will keep her near to his heart physically too as he knew he wont be able to come back sooner . He stopped meeting his friends too way long back as upon when he came back for the first time and went to meet his friends he came back to a very sick Nandini wailing as she missed her brother and she confessed upon asserting her full right on her brother's time when in India . He was in touch through calls and would invite his friends over to his home only and they too understood his inner conflicts as he had admitted to them upon feeling broken by leaving his Gudiya behind to get whom , he had prayed earnestly to all gods .

And on that fateful day the poor soul heard that she wont be seeing her brother for some upcoming years . Which resulted in her elopement from home to seek solace in her Thakurji . They realised the gravity of situation and how they should have told Nandini first instead of trying to hide it from her . Had they told her themselves she might have cried but they would have been there to console her and mend her shattered heart . But what's done was done it couldn't be reversed .

That night all six hearts were in pain .

Nandini's heart was in pain as she wont be able to see her brother for quite a long time .

Maan's heart was in pain as he found himself responsible for her state of health.

Virja's heart was broken as she couldn't be there for her daughter when she needed her most .

Krishna Kumar's heart was broken as he couldn't keep his both kids happy and hence was feeling like a failure in life .

Firdaus Rehmaan's heart was crying out for the poor soul lying in hospital and the families turmoil over how the events has shaped out although they never wished for them to happen in that way .

Rukhsana Firdaus Rehmaan's heart was too attached to Nandini as she was closest to what she could have as a daughter and she was crying holding the gift which she had demanded from her with a right a daughter has on her mother .

All six broken hearts , all six in pain and the reason and the person who could free them of this pain being only one lying in pain on a hospital bed .

Nandini .

Author's note

Hope readers could get a glimpse of the emotions the family is facing. Till next time keep voting , commenting and sharing !!

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