Rishta Tera , Rishta Mera

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Author's Note

Well life could be happening to author's too and hence a late update . A heartfelt sorry and good luck to all my lovely readers . Tthree persuassions it took me to complete the update as soon as possible . yours_suha , rshn729 and my first and foremost supporter renukaBOE its for you to stop me from quitting writing on wattpad !!

Author's POV

Like a turtle if i say would be an understatement but Nandini kept on retreating in to an invisible shell which she had herself built mentally between her family and herself . Neither did her family knew that its the calm before the tsunami which in its wave will destroy each and every person coming up in its way Nor did Nandini ever in her life opened up to her insecurities in front of her family . Had she did opening up at least to someone or had anyone understood the trauma she was undergoing and the requirement of a child psychologist , which was unheard of at that times , atleast in countries like Bharat maybe just maybe her fate would have been different and instead of Sameer's family becoming her back her own family would have been her support .

But like its said , a person can fight a million demons lurking in shadows to devour them but can never fight with whats written in destiny . And over here her destiny was luring her towards itself . Her true soulmate for each and every of her birth had been waiting for her and destiny was making a path for them to become one soul .

** So far so good and enough of my rambling about true love and true lover . Lets continue with the story of Sameer and Nandini - A unconventional love cum friendship story which unfolds in heart of Bharat where although people had been sowing seeds of communal hatred in hearts of innocent humans irrespective of their religion but still there were people like Aslam Khan who was intrigued by the outlook of Krishna Goel regarding friendship of Sameer and Nandini , which made him develop a soft corner for Nandini in his own heart unknowingly and with time this soft corner will take over whole koi of his being and irrespective of his sons feelings he will always side towards Nandini .

Like an ardent father that he is towards his sons he will become more and more inclined towards Nandini , with her filling up the empty spot of daughter in his heart . Truly said human heart is controlled by love not by hatred and the ones who believe in spreading hatred amongst humans should go hide in ancient caves and live the lives of prehistoric humans who were barbaric and spoke only the language of need . **

It was third day of Nandini visiting Sameer's home for studies . Being a diligent student that she was although it wasn't very easy for her to grasp everything completely but it wasn't that tough too for her to understand. Still some topics were left for her to grasp by herself as although Sameer could understand them and had his concepts clear but still being a peer to Nandini he was unable to explain them thoroughly to her as well as teachers would do especially geometrical concepts. Nandini had very stupid grasping power in case of geometry as far as compared to Sameer and Sameer was literally tired in making her understand concepts of geometry .

On the fourth day Sameer gave up and talked to mathematics teacher Sharadha mam regarding it .

Sharadha Gupta POV

It's home room period and i was taking sips of tea leisurely when a knock resounded at the door . I unwantedly looked up from my magazine and afternoon tea and found the most silent student in my teaching history standing asking for permission to enter the staffroom. I allowed .

" Good Morning Mam. "

I can't understand why he stutters whenever he is supposed to speak .

" Well as far as i can see Sameer morning is long over and yes , a very Good Afternoon to you too ."

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