Unexpected discovery

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Bond talk
Com chatter.

it's been two weeks since Reflect revealed himself. he'd spent every moment he could with Ironhide, when the mech wasn't on patrol, and any free time reading Ratchets old medical books.

Reflect had attempted to talk to Wheeljack, but the inventor ignored him. Ratchet didn't. the medic had been overjoyed to wake up and find the note Reflect had left him :

I borrowed your datapads, please don't be too mad. even if you don't see me as your sparkling anymore, I do want to be a medic still, Jack seems to hate my existence, but I won't give up being an inventor either. I hadn't finished studying yet, so I just, borrowed these. I'll bring them back I promise, when I'm done. thanks,

Ironhide and Reflect had spent every freaking moment together, basically going back and forth between having sex with their holoforms and interfacing, which is what they were currently trying to do, except, Reflects panel won't open.

"I don't get it. I can't open it, you can't open it. its like its locked." Reflect mutters. Ironhide raises an optic ridge at him, sitting back on his haunches.

"are you getting any warnings?" Ironhide ask.

"I got one but assumed it was just the usual and, well, dismissed it." Reflect grumbles. Ironhide hums in thought a moment.

"maybe we've taxed your system. its possible. we'll give it a few days. you skipped youngling hood which is were the majority of stamina build is, maybe your bodys just tired. I mean... it has been two weeks of us only stopping when I have patrol." Ironhide shrugs getting up off the berth and bonded. Reflect sits up, getting off their berth with a frown, heading for his medical datapads.

"no somethings not right here, I've read about it. I know I have." Reflect frowns. Ironhide looks at him confused.

"okay, well, if you figure it out, make sure you let me know alright? I gotta get to my patrol." Ironhide murmurs gently, kissing him. Reflect kisses him happily, pulling back a little. he smiles.

"I will, I promise. maybe is a panel jam, I've read about those recently." Reflect murmurs.

"is that something we can fix ourselves?" Ironhide ask.

"maybe, just have to get it back on track if thats what it is." Reflect shrugs at him. he turns and watches Ironhide walk out, then picks up his datapads. he knew that somewhere in the datapads was a chapter about interface circuitry, he just needed to find it.

he spends nearly two hours searching, before he finally stumbles upon it.

"Notice young medics, there are few things that can cause an interface circuitry protective panel to jam or lock!

1.Rough interfacing can cause the panel to lock if the bots system believes its being assaulted. this is easily fixed with a small override code.

2.The panel could easily get bumped during interfacing, causing it to jam shut when it closes. a quick adjustment and the bot will be just fine, notice this generally does not cuse any discomfort, the mech or femme may not even notice until they attempt to interface again.

3.The bot is NOT old enough to be interfacing. contact authorities, no excuses. you as medics are required to report abuse of younglings and/or sparklings. (See Sparkling fights as reason for why)

4.The bot is carrying. congrats! the panel will lock only if the bots body senses danger.
interfacing while carrying is safe, unless you repeatedly sparkbond. the extra energy it can cause the little sparkling spark to die out, the sparkling will protect itself by causing the bots body to lock the panel.

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