Why must we change in such wicked ways?
Why can't we simply stay the same?
It hurts to watch metamorphosis
For the creature birthed is treacherous
It spits venom off it's slithering tongue
And it mashes up memories with crooked teeth
And it asks you to love it.Why must we paint our faces so?
With gruesome grins and flower petals
The final mask is horrendous and happy
A vision from a distant nightmare
As you look hard at the mask you fall into
A spiral of smiles and hysteria
You realize the face that was always so kind
Is now a snickering trickster performing
At a carnival colored in the blood of a king
And it asks you to love it.Why must we grow our saplings tall
They slip from their naivety and into the sky
And the beautiful infant clothed in miniature leaves
Turns into a terrible crashing machine
With twisting branches and knotted bark
It spreads its darkness as it uncoils it's limbs
It blames Mother Nature and youth for its crimes
It floods the air with its murky ink
And it asks you to love it.
But how could you love it?