Chapter one

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Rosalie Prime POV

I was rushing out the door. "Bye, Barricade! I'll see you later!" I yelled. "BE CAREFUL, KID!" He yelled to me. When my mother died her brother Barricade adopted me and took care of me. I smiled. 

I got in the garage and saw Tracy. "Hey. I'll see you after school." I told her as I kissed her snout. She cooed. 

"Okay, Mr. Witwicky, you're up." My teacher said I got in the classroom. "Ms. Prime. You're late. Again." He stated annoyed. "Sorry." I sat down in the back. I sighed. "Sorry, I got a lot of stuff." Sam apologized to the teacher. I was trying to grab my cell phone when someone hit me with something. I looked up. 

I saw it was Mikaela's boyfriend Trent. He didn't like how I was friends with Mikaela. 

"Okay. Um. . . So, for my family's genealogy report, I decided to do it on my great-great-grandfather. . ."

Hello, Daughter. I heard a voice in my head. I looked around everyone was listening to Sam. I then whispered lowly so only the voice inside my head would possibly hear. "Daddy?"

Yes, it is me, daughter. He told me. "Where are you?" I whispered lowly. 

I am close to Earth. I need you to stay safe for me. There is someone by the name of Megatron looking for you. I trust that Barricade will protect you seeing as he is your mother's brother. I will see you when I return. My father said. 

The bell rung. 

I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. 

Mikaela touched my shoulder. "Hey. Want to meet later at the lake?" She asked me. I nodded. "I'll see you there." I said. 

I walked outside and saw Barricade. 


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I walked over to Barricade's car. He was pratically glaring at Trent and Mikaela. "Barricade!" I said and he turned to me. "What?"

"Are we going?" I asked. 

He sighed. "Yeah." He got in the drivers side. 

I then sighed as we pulled up to the house and he stopped in the driveway. 

"I honestly don't know why you're friends with her. She's an abosulte bitch and her boyfriends a dick." Barricade told me as we got inside the house. "Okay. You want to hear something I haven't told you yet?"

"Yes, I do!"

"I heard my Dad's voice today!" I said. Barricade widened his eyes.

He then led me towards the couch and we both sat down. "When?" He asked. "It was during school in my last period. He said he was close to getting to Earth." I said. Barricade nodded. 

"Are you able to take me to the lake?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah."

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