Chapter 8

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Rosalie Prime POV

"Okay, we're gonna make a break for the breach on my command. You guys stick with me, you understand? You stay on my ass." Lennox told us. "I hope these f-16's got good aim." Epps said. "Yeah, why is that?"

"I told them to hit the orange smoke." I turned. Orange smoke was on the right of us. "You mean, that orange smoke?"

"It wasn't my best toss okay?"

"RUN!" Epps yelled. We ran with them. The jets got ready to fire at the Decepticons. 

A jet dropped a bunch of bombs. I separated from everyone else and ran towards Dad. "ROSALIE!"

I didn't hear the shot from behind me. I then hit the ground and blacked out. 


All the tanks and guns fired at Megatron. He transformed and flew off. 

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Lennox yelled. 

He got over to Rosalie's limp body. "FUCKING DO SOMETHING!"

A helicopter flew over everyone. 

Predaking and Grimlock ran over when they saw a medic helicopter. 

Grimlock froze when he saw Rosalie not moving. 

Predaking and Grimlock transformed. 

Grimlock then dropped to his knees. 


They used the shots and they used them two times. Rosalie didn't budge. "ROSALIE!"

Grimlock used his holoform. "Okay, baby. I love you. I need you. Please, Please, come back to me. ROSALIE, I LOVE YOU!" Grimlock yelled. He then dropped his head on her chest crying.

I jolted awake and saw Grimlock's holoform. "Rosalie!" He cried. He hugged me super tight. "I love you too!" I whispered. 

I then winced as I got up. I grabbed the Matrix. I then got on my father's chest. I screamed and stabbed him with the Matrix. His body jolted and his eyes opened. He coughed. I then slowly climbed off. "Rose. . . You came back for me." I smiled. 

"A living Prime! I don't believe it." 

Suddenly the Fallen then transformed and landed and Dad fell again. He then took the Matrix. "DAD, DAD, DAD. Come on. Get up!"

Dad groaned. 

"He's turning on the machine! You got to stop him! get up! OPTIMUS!" Sam yelled. 

The 'Cons forced all the tanks and jets to hit each other. 

"All my Decepticon life, I never did a thing worth dying for until now. Optimus, take my parts. You will have a power you've never know. Fulfill your destiny." 

He ripped his spark out and dropped. 

They used Jetfire's parts and gave them to Dad. 

He then had a jetpack on his back. "Let's Roll!" He then flew off Predaking right beside him. 

I saw Dad walk up and he was in perfect shape. Predaking then flew over and he landed in front of me. I smiled and petted his snout and he nuzzled me. 

I was standing on the ship as Predaking and Grimlock were wrestling. I smiled. "Thank you, Rosalie. For saving my life." He told me. "Your welcome. Thank you for believing in me." I said. He smiled. 

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