Chapter 19

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Rosespark POV

I got on the surface to see Bee and Sire fighting. I put the humans down. "DAD!" I yelled. I then tried to run over but saw a big wave. "BIG WAVE!" I yelled. I grabbed the humans before they could fall in. We then finally got over. 

I then ran over when Bee tackled Sire. "DAD! DAD, STOP! DAD, YOU GOT TO STOP!" He shot at Bee. 

"Please! Don't do this! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He was trying to reach for his gun. "IT'S BEE! DAD! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" I cried. Sire shoved my head right as Bee tried to slam it. I then fell off. 

I then fell down as the ship started to rise. Sire slammed Bee down multiple times. He punched him and tried to stab him with his sword. Bee activated his mask. He then kicked Sire. He ripped Bee's mask off and used a blade. "DAD! NO! I'M SPARKED!" I yelled. 

Sire then turned to me. His optic then turned from purple to blue. "You're sparked?" He asked. The red streak on his face vanished. I nodded. I then hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. 

I then let go of him. 

"What. . . Have I done?"

He then turned right as we were shot at. I was thrown and I groaned. I saw Megatron and Nitro-zues and Sparklier. Sparklier then yanked me up by my neck. I groaned. He then took off with the other two. 

I then saw the gaurdian Knights start to attack sire. "CADE!"

"You betrayed your own kind."

"No, Dad, get up!" I said. His face was emotionless. "The guardian knights are going to kill me!" He told me. I shook my head. "Quintessa is the great deceiver!"

"The judgement is death!" I widened my optics. 

"NO!" I slammed both of my swords on the Guardian Knight. I slammed it. "You're not killing my father!" I snarled. He then turned to me. "Yes, Princess!"

I turned to my Sire. "Rosespark, I have failed you as a father." I looked at him. "I have doomed Earth. Earth. The one place it's people allow me to call it. . . Home." He told me. 

"It's not over." I said as I held out my hand. He took it as I helped him stand. "Only you can make it right. It's now or never!" I said. 

He looked at me. "My brothers,  I will never betray you again. I am Optimus Prime. And to save Earth, we must go to Cybetron and destroy Quintessa." Sire said determined. 

"Lord Megatron." He turned to Barricade. "How is my sparkmate?" He asked. "She's sparked." Megatron tensed. "She said it's yours." Megatron sighed. 

Predaking landed down near the humans. 

"Knights, Autobots, this cannot and will not be the end. To save Earth and her people, we are going to steal Quintessa's staff. Only you, Viviane, can take it back. Me and Rosespark will lead the way into her chamber. And when the account of the age i etched into the cosmos, let those who exist long after us know that this was our finest hour." Sire said. Predaking then flew off with Sire. 

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