Chapter four

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Rosalie Prime POV

I sniffled as I was standing with Mikaela and Sam. I barely listened to anything anyone had to say. I didn't want to. I stepped onto the side. "HEY! HEY! GET HER DOWN!"

I don't know what came over me but I jumped. Suddenly I was grabbed. I looked. I saw it was the predacon I knew. He chittered at me. "Predaking?!" He squeaked excited I remembered. He then put me down. 

I followed the others Predaking behind me. We got in the room and I tensed. I saw Megatron. I ignored the others warning and touched his frozen leg. Predaking growled barring his teeth. 

"Hey, Kid." I saw one of the soldiers. "Come on." He gently led me back to the others. 

We got in a different room to see the cube. We were in an observation room. Predaking used his holoform. 

They showed us a version of the cube's energy. 

Predaking then started growling. "Uh. . . guys?" The building then shook. 

We ran to the arms room. 

Suddenly the lights flickered. 

I got over to Simon. "You have to take me to Barricade. You have to take me to Barricade. He's gonna know what to do with it." I said. 

"The police car? It's confiscted." He told me. "Then unconfiscate it." I snapped. 

"We do not know what will happen when we let it near this thing!" Simon snapped. "Maybe you don't know-"

"Maybe you know but I don't know!" Simon interrupted me. "So you just wanna sit here and find out?" I snapped. 

"I HAVE PEOPLE'S LIVES AT STAKE HERE, YOUNG LADY-" Suddenly he was slammed to a car by one of the military guys. "Drop it!" He ordered as he pointed the gun at a guy who pointed one at him. 


"Drop your weapon, soldier. There's an alien war going on right now and you're gonna shoot me?" Simon asked. "You know, we didn't ask to be here." The Soldier commented. 

"I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdition." Simon ordered. "S-Seven don't exist." Another one said. "Yeah, and we don't take orders from people who don't exist."

"I'm gonna count to five, okay?"

"Well, I'm gonna count to three." He put the gun to Simon's chest. "Hmm?"


"Yes, Sir?"

"I'd do what he says. Losing's not really an option for these guys." The director said. 

"Okay. Hey, you want to lay the fate of the world on the kid's police care and dinobot? That's cool."

We got in the room. "STOP! STOP STOP!" I yelled. 

Everyone stopped. I saw Barricade and Grimlock look at me. "You okay?" I asked them. "They didn't hurt you right?"

Grimlock formed into his dinobot form and growled. He roared threateningly. "Listen to me. The cube is here and the Decepticons are coming." I told them. Grimlock continued to growl. "They're okay. Just back up. He's friendly. I promise. Come on, Grim. They're not gonna hurt you." I told him. Grimlock narrowed his optics. 

He then transformed. He then got down to my eye level. Where's the all spark, small spark? He asked me. 

"Come on!"

I led Grimlock and Barricade to the room. Grimlock touched the sides of the cube. It tazed him but he touched it again. The cube then started to shrink cube by cube until it was small that it fit in Grimlock's hands. 

We need to go. They're gonna know it's here. Grimlock told me. "We need to go!" I said. 

"She's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hanger. Mission City is 22 miles away. We're gonna sneak that cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city."

"Good! Right."

"But we cannot make a stand without the air force." 

Barricade then transformed. I got in the drivers seat and he drove off Grimlock transformed and roared as he followed behind us. 

Barricade drove in front of everyone Grimlock following. I then saw Dad and the others. He honked at us. "It's Dad!" I said. He turned and drove behind the rest of the army. 

Predaking was flying above everyone. 

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